Every solar body is electronic, is soul, and is engendered in the Ninth Sphere, Yesod [foundation] Central Column of the Tree of Life:
Yudhisthira = The Bodhichitta, To Soma Psychikon, the awakened consciousness = Yesod – Fourth Dimension
Bhima = Physical Body of Liberation, Body of Paradise, made by the surplus of Sulfured Mercury from the physical body = Malkuth – Fourth Dimension
Arjuna Sanskrit (lit. bright or silver (Latin Argentum)) the Body of Willpower, Causal Body, Tiphereth. – Sixth Dimension
The Causal Body is born from the sexual strength of Yesod-Malkuth [Nile-Egypt], yet its center of gravity becomes established in the Sephirah Tiphereth [the Mountain of God]. The Causal Body is the Body of Tiphereth, the Human Soul that receives Vishnu, the Cosmic Christ [Chokmah] in his heart. Vishnu becomes humanized in the Human Soul, when the Human Soul takes the Direct Path, for his final liberation. When Chokmah is humanized in the Human Soul within Arjuna, the Causal Body, Vishnu is transformed into Krishna, the Son of Man.
Nakula, the Astral Solar Body; and
Sahadeva, the Mental Solar Body, are the two golden eyes of Heaven, Hod, and Netzach, the Full-Moon and the Sun, left and right columns of the Tree of Life.
The five of them, namely,
Yudhisthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva, form the solar bodies of the Bodhisattva of Christ, Vishnu, Chokmah.