By Kafi on Tuesday, 16 July 2024
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So i've been doing some studying and ive come to understand that tuesday is the real friday. Just gonna a link below

in this link, it says this 'In this manner, the twelve hours of the day are divided into four parts, each of them lasting three hours.'

I understand that tuesday (being the real friday) starts off under the rule of venus. so 0am to 3am = venus time. The author states that the 12 hours of the day are ruled by 4 planets only. So 3am-6am follows the next planet on the list, the sun. Is this correct? on and on it goes for 2 more planets until it reaches 12pm or noon.

0am-3am on modern day tuesday = venus time? And so if you want to work with the energy of venus, you're gonna want to aim for this time on a tuesday. 0am-3am.

This is all with respect to your local time zone, right?

and one side question, i dont find in this link what the planetary hours for 12pm-12am is. 4 planets, 3 hours each only accounts for half of the day. please clarify. Samael aun weor did say that each day is ruled by only 4 planets for 3 hours each so after 12pm there'd be no planetary influence?? i hope you understand me and thanks in advance
We apologize for the delay. We do our best to answer questions within our purview, since some responses require much more in-depth detail and attention. Also, our instructors have lives as well, i.e. family, jobs, careers, and ordeals.

There is another astrological chart that applies to a 24-hour cycle divided into 8 planets, each planet governing 3 hours, provided in the section called the Weekly Astrological Timetable (page 67 in my edition of Practical Astrology). It extends beyond the small chart initiated in The Zodiacal Course’s chapter on Capricorn.
1 month ago
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Hey what's the typical wait time for answers... this has been bugging me for a while I feel a need to get this resolved... It'd help alot on my spiritual journey

And by the way thanks in advance for the help you guys provide
1 month ago
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We apologize for the delay. We do our best to answer questions within our purview, since some responses require much more in-depth detail and attention. Also, our instructors have lives as well, i.e. family, jobs, careers, and ordeals.

There is another astrological chart that applies to a 24-hour cycle divided into 8 planets, each planet governing 3 hours, provided in the section called the Weekly Astrological Timetable (page 67 in my edition of Practical Astrology). It extends beyond the small chart initiated in The Zodiacal Course’s chapter on Capricorn.

Thanks for the answers
1 month ago
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