By Joshua Jenkins on Saturday, 29 June 2024
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Greetings to the Glorian instructors and my thanks as always. For the ham sah pranayama can the sah be vocalized with the mind as well such as if there are people around and you want to transmute in a discrete manner or should the sah always be vocalized aloud? Thank you.
It can be done, just make sure that you do not get confused. Stay focused, visualize and mantralize internally.
6 days ago
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I thank the instructor for the help here this transmutation has been very helpful. I notice that after ham sah my mind is concentrated and at least for a short amount of time meditation and self-observation become almost effortless and I have energy. I even feel a slight pleasant heat in my body. I notice that even a couple hours after ham sah I will have brief flashes of heat in my face and body and though my body doesn't get hot to the touch I feel it internally and is random. Is this normal after pranayama?
2 days ago
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