By Michelle on Wednesday, 26 June 2024
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Hello , I have been experiencing rushes of heat at the base of my skull throughout the day & night.

The heat seems to subside if i stop practicing sexual alchemy. But I know in order for my character defects to be reduced to cosmic dust. I must continue to practice transmutation.

Also during meditation I feel like energy gets stuck in my throat and pushes my head back and it’s painful & almost uncontrollable.

Or sometimes it feels like I am choking and my body is paralyzed.

There have been times when I pray to the divine mother for assistance and these feelings subside.

But lately the more my husband and I practice the more I get rushes of heat through the day and night.

Is this normal?

Do you have any suggestions?
Practicing sexual transmutation provides the Divine Mother with energy needed to clean and restore the nadis. This can lead to discomfort at times, but is not dangerous. If it is too uncomfortable, then moderate your transmutation by reducing the heat (sexual temperature) of your sexual alchemy, or reduce the time.

It can also help to practice more pranayama. This also cleans the nadis but more slowly, and without so much intensity.

Once the nadis are clean, those sensations will stop happening.
5 days ago
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Thank you so much for your response.

What do you mean by “reduce the heat /sexual temperature?”

Also do you suggest an article or book so that I can learn female pranayama.
3 days ago
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