By Glorian Publishing on Monday, 11 February 2013
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What is your view on accessing practice for weakness and targeting certain areas?

I feel sometimes that we can bob along with a practice or routine that we have developed to some degree but sort of settling with it and not going beyond that.

I was reading something by a martial arts trainer and he said that there is no point coming into training and practicing like a robot, just hammering away with no direction. We need to know our areas to work on and focus on improving them.

He said that we should work on our areas of weakness and we should have focus points that we should use.

Personally when accessing my relationship with gnosis I can see lots of areas to improve on. For example one of these is properly preparing for meditation, I maybe jump in too soon and don’t patiently and properly relax.

So he says some Martial Artist pin point areas of weakness and say right ok this week I will work on a specific technique. For example. When doing a punch the martial artist drops his guard hand which makes him more vulnerable. So they say right ok in training this week I will work on that strike but I will work on it with the intention and focus of not dropping my guard hand.

So by doing this there will be an eventual improvement. Maybe next week they will work on another weakness and focus on it. maybe they might work on something for a month, for a year etc.

Ive been using this in my own martial arts practice with drastic improvement but Ive also started to use it in gnosis and it makes sense. We can practice allot but we need to be improving what we do. For example we could be practicing allot of martial arts but maybe there is allot of flaws in what we do and we just remain at that level repeating those flaws.

For example for some reason I don’t practice astral travel, I don’t make that effort to do it each night, I don’t know why. But that is what I am focusing on for this week. To start off and say lets properly and patiently relax the body. Because one night I sat and I did the mantra FARAON but I was tensing up and I accessed that and saw that and realized I needed to relax properly. When properly relaxing last night I drifted off to sleep and had some more dreams that were more lucid. It wasn’t a full on astral projection but it is a start. But by doing that you start to learn about the practice and what makes it more effective.

So its just about constant assessment, not just blindly hammering away at a practice but accessing yourself and how you practice and focusing on specific areas. That’s what the psychological work is about anyway. So its good because it brings allot experimentation as well.
It is essential to always revise and improve how we pay attention and how we practice. Without constant awareness (which naturally brings revision) one falls into mechanical repetition, which goes nowhere.

Importantly, cognizance is never mechanical. That is, even though it revises and observes, it does this is a constantly spontaneous and fresh way.

In addition, one should always study the teachings in the same way, with full awareness and a willingness to revise our previous understanding. In this way we constantly improve on mistaken apprehensions or misinterpretations. Sadly, many students do not do this, assuming that what they heard or read first was correct, so they do not need to go back a read or study again.

Those who think they know usually know nothing at all, while those who know they do not know actually know the most!
11 years ago
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