By Ferdinand on Friday, 19 April 2024
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Is it essential that sexual yoga be practiced at night?

Rare free time with my wife tends to occur during daylight hours.
It is generally recommended that sexual magic be done at night and in the dark (lights off).

The gestation of the fetus takes place in the darkness of the womb of the mother of the baby: such is any initiate sexually gestated in the womb of the Divine Mother, that is, in the dark.

"When we were within the womb of our physical mother, we developed organs, viscera, glands, etc. Thus, when we are practicing sexual magic, we are in a process of spiritual sexual gestation; then, we develop the flowers of the soul. This is how we awaken the fire of the Holy Spirit and transform ourselves into masters.

"Thus, within the womb of the great Mother, we are gestated as gods. This is how to awaken the Kundalini and transform ourselves into gods." —Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries

When one of the couple is by reason of duty absent at night, that is he/she is engaged as a medical personal, law enforcement officer or security personnel etc; person/s often on essential services during the night hour, it is expected that such a person take a day or two off duty at least once a week.
In that case, the couple should take advantage of such off day/s.
However, where it is practically impossible to take a day or two off work, such a couple may have to evaluate the spiritual benefit of sticking to such employment that deny them the right to appropriately consumate their union at the allocated period.

Blessed be the name of our God
3 months ago
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Thank you my friend.
There is much to contemplate in your answer.
Even without much opportunity to practice maithuna, the preparation of transmuting sexual energy for a few months has been life-changing, and I begin to feel joy for no reason, like I did as a child.
I am very grateful these Gnostic practices are being made available, for myself and others.
3 months ago
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