By Shainin on Monday, 15 April 2024
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Hello, instructor.
I'm currently searching for a new job because my being has conveyed to me that my current job carries with it a terrible karma that gradually causing more and more suffering for humanity as a whole. I'm having a tough time translating the direction my being wants me to take. What types of jobs do not carry bad karma? What types of jobs to gnostic instructors have?
Hello Shainin,

Thank you for your question. Whatever occupation we choose, it is important to use that experience to better ourselves and those we come into contact. Some are fortunate to leave certain occupations that no longer serve their growth for other opportunities that align with their purpose. Therefore, I humbly ask you to consider viewing your work or life experience from the perspective of what can be done to effect positive change, individually and collectively.

As far as what types of jobs gnostic instructors hold, I think the important thing to remember is that no matter what the occupation, one should do what one can to serve others. But, remember,

We cannot assist others until we can stand alone, not only must our motives be good, but our actions must not be wrong.” – Lord God of Truth Within

Continue your path, wherever it may lead, and become who you are meant to be. Plant the seed for change wherever you may work or engage with others.
3 months ago
0 Votes
Thank you so much, Quaerens Veritatis. I'm sorry for the late response but I was unaware that my question was answered. God bless you
1 month ago
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Many blessings to you as well ?
1 month ago
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