By 孫悟空 on Thursday, 07 February 2013
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I'm recently married and my wife and I want to learn to practice sexual meditation.

I find that the mere intention to practice restraint permits me to practice for more than an hour without emission of semen, but it only works about 2 nights out of three. The remaining times, I feel the energy becoming increasingly strong and even though I stop all physical movement and breathe deeply, the sensation continues to grow beyond what I can control until I have an emission of semen. For the next day or so after that, I feel a sense of frustration in the way my wife and I relate to each other in the home.

I hope that I can do better with practice. But is there something more we should know that would help us restrain this energy more successfully? I'm searching for writings with more detail about how to keep the energy hot without loosing control over it. Please recommend a reference if you have one.

thank you.
Quite simply, you are overdoing it. The body needs to be trained to do this work, and the training is a long process. Know your limits and do not allow lust or ambition to take you over the line.

Beginners are advised to connect only for a few minutes. Gradually, over months and years, the time is increased.

It is opportune to affirm that nature does not perform leaps. Therefore, the apprentice can and must perform this change little by little.

If indeed what we want is the consolidation, the affirming, the fixation of our system, I consider it necessary to start with brief, very short lived sexual practices, as much as five minutes daily.

It is unquestionable that afterwards time can be prolonged in each practice. The great athletes of sex yoga are used to practicing the Sahaja Maithuna for one hour daily.

In no way is it advantageous to start with long sexual practices. This change must be performed in a methodical way and with much patience, without ever dismaying.

The movement of the phallus inside the vagina must be slow and very soft, avoiding violence.

It is convenient to remember that if the sexual movements are performed very strongly, then the outcome is the spasm with the lamentable loss of seminal liqueur.

When the danger of ejaculating comes forth, it can be avoided by means of controlling the breath. In this case, the male will withdraw his phallus very fast from within the vagina and will lie in dorsal decubitus (lying down on his back). Afterwards, he will retain his breath by closing his nostrils with his thumb and index finger.

If he has to inhale again, he can do it, but he should try to hold his breath as much as is possible. In those moments, he must intensely refrain and imagine that his sexual energy ascends throughout the two canals, Ida and Pingala, towards his brain.

The same procedure can and must be utilized by the woman in order to avoid the orgasm and the loss of her sexual feminine liqueur.

In the sacred land of the Vedas, any female yogi who knows the Sahaja Maithuna knows how to control the danger of the spasm by means of the retention of her breath.

If while performing this effort the neophyte fails in the beginning, he must not dismay. In the end, with much patience and efforts, he will learn.

After many years of patient learning, the Sahaja Maithuna will become a couple’s normal function, the standard of their sexual life.

One among the marvellous advantages of our system is the advantage of preserving sexual potency during the whole life." - The Cosmic Teachings of a Lama, Samael Aun Weor
11 years ago
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