By kusa on Sunday, 07 April 2024
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Will like to ask and confirm if pranayama is like a prerequisite to eliminate the ego i know:
Comprehension,praying to your fivine mother is an essential and retaining the energy (sexual)
or can we do mantra(like the krim) after the comprehension of the ego
What I mean is that can you do meditation without pranayama for the elimination of the ego?
Since pranayama transmutes the forces for elimination or am I wrong?
Hello Kusa,
Thank you for your question. You mention three distinct yet interrelated elements that can be used together to eliminate the ego.

  • Meditation
  • Pranayama

Meditation can be viewed as essential to any work towards eliminating the ego. It allows one to go beyond mental chatter to find the root causes of what causes our specific egoistic traits to manifest (ex., reaction to external stimuli). While pranayama (ex. Ham Sah) is a method for transmuting sexual energy, it is also a method used to control the breath, inner prana, and the mind.

Control of Prana means control of mind

I believe the mantra you are referring to has multiple parts. Klim provokes a flow of Christic energy to protect, then

… by chanting the three following parts of the mantra, the Christic energy is infused within the one who chants them. Finally, by means of the fifth part, the one who has received the Christic energy can radiate it with tremendous force in order to defend himself from the tenebrous ones. They then scatter away in terror

While meditation is essential for eliminating the ego, it is one of many tools available. What is important is to understand the purpose of each and decide which tools (or a combination of tools) works best for you.
4 months ago
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Death is not possible without the energy of the Divine Mother. This is why pranayama is necessary to transmute force and empower the consciousness, so that it can effectively work in meditation on ego death.
4 months ago
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Thanks @almustafa so what I mean is that if I am meditation and I don't practice pranayama before meditation and I comprehend an ego will the ego be eliminated
I also thought that mantra aids in transmuting the sexual energy also plus the mantra(S) and visualize the divine mother after comprehending the ego.
(2) Also when I compeehend an ego like lust or a event similar to lust and other egos emerge since lust was the driving and strongest ego in that event and I eliminate it seems its logical to also comprehend the other ego that lust brought out after I have intuitively found how the ego came is it also logical to want to eliminate the shame I saw with the lust in that event.
4 months ago
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