By Gnostic Student on Saturday, 30 March 2024
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Dear Instructors,

I trust this message finds you in good spirits. I am reaching out to you seeking your wise counsel and spiritual guidance on a matter that weighs heavily on my heart. A dear relative of mine is currently facing health challenges, and regrettably, I am unable to be physically present to offer support during this trying time.

Understanding the profound influence spirituality and religion can have on one's well-being, I am earnestly seeking your guidance on how I can contribute to my relative's health recovery journey from a distance. I believe that spiritual support and healing energies can transcend physical boundaries, and I am eager to learn how I can channel these energies to aid in my relative's healing process.

Would you be able to offer insights, prayers, rituals, or practices that I can engage in to support my relative's physical and spiritual well-being remotely? Your expertise and wisdom in matters of spirituality and religion are invaluable, and I trust your guidance will provide solace and direction in this challenging time.

I am deeply grateful for any assistance you can offer, and I eagerly await your response.
Have you tried Tonglen?
3 months ago
0 Votes
Thank you very much for your response and for suggesting Tonglen as a potential method to support my relative's health recovery. I appreciate your guidance in this matter.

I must admit that I haven't had the opportunity to try Tonglen before, and I am not very familiar with its principles or practice. However, your recommendation has piqued my interest, and I am eager to delve into it further.

I will take the time to research Tonglen and gain a better understanding of its techniques and how it can be applied to offer support and healing energy to my relative from a distance.

If you have any additional resources or advice on how to effectively practice Tonglen, I would be immensely grateful for your guidance. Your expertise and insights are invaluable.

Once again, thank you for your assistance.
3 months ago
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