By wisp on Friday, 22 March 2024
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Hello and thank you for this service. I have a couple questions regarding the point of everything and our inner god. I am trying to explain this to somebody and am coming to realize I don't know as much as I thought .

So the whole point of all this creation, is because the absolute (god) wants to know itself more (or evolve). So it sends fragments of itself into creation to gain more knowledge?

So each of us has to learn to overcome this semi animal level, to move to the next level. And it basically all revolves around the use of sexual energy to an extent. I see how everything that exists around us is here because of sex, and I see the great power of it. If we decide to indulge we must clean up our mess before it's too late. The person I am trying to convey this too is very attached to the orgasm, and was immediately dismissive didn't even want to hear me out. I want to try and reach them again. I understand I can't force this on people but I felt I could of went about telling them about it better.

I "understand" the orgasm is bad and it destroys us and creates the ego. And that to transmute it does everything good. But, why is it set up like this? Or, what exactly is the sexual energy? Is it the energy of the absolute?

I have come into contact with my Divine Mother and it's life changing to say the least. I recommend everyone who hasn't come into contact with theirs to listen to this lecture and stick with chastity (and pranyamas) b/c it's so wonderful being guided by her and knowing your not alone and a mighty goddess loves you so much and is trying to help you get to heaven. What helped me with chastity to go further is it to minimize as much lustful imagery you come in contact with as much as possible. Facebook can't use because every 3rd or 4th post is a suggested for you and often it is lewd. And for youtube turn off recommendations.

I have read that the Divine Mother and Innermost are god in us, and then there is the absolute. And I read somewhere that my god's god is the absolute. I have heard god being called both. Is our true self the innermost? But not the divine mother? Is my god like an ambassador to the consciousness from the absolute? Our consciousness is part of the greater whole so in our fragment it still has god? Sorry for all the questions I am just trying to portray where I am coming from.

I also read somewhere the way to the father is first through the mother. Is our individual divine mother apart of the greater divine mother? Thank you for this service and knowledge.
So the whole point of all this creation, is because the absolute (god) wants to know itself more (or evolve). So it sends fragments of itself into creation to gain more knowledge?
The Absolute is not a God, neither a divine nor human individual. It would be absurd to give form to that which has no form; it would be nonsense to try to anthropomorphize space.
Indeed, the Absolute is the unconditional and eternal abstract space, far beyond Gods and human beings.

The individual particles of the Absolute, the Monads, enter into existence due to curiosity and ignorance. They don't know about the suffering of existence, but they can experience it and become conscious.

I "understand" the orgasm is bad and it destroys us and creates the ego. And that to transmute it does everything good. But, why is it set up like this? Or, what exactly is the sexual energy? Is it the energy of the absolute?
“Prana is life and it circulates throughout all of our organs.” “Prana circulates throughout all of our nadis and vital canals.” “The sexual energy is Prana, life.” “Prana is sexual. The sexual energy is solar. The solar energy is Christic. The Cosmic Christ is the Solar Logos. The solar energy comes from the Cosmic Christ. The Christic Prana makes the spike of wheat to grow; thus, the Christonic substance ready to be devoured remains enclosed within the grain. The water from the mountain glaciers penetrates within the stump to ripen the grape, within which the whole life, the whole Prana from the Sun-Christ remains enclosed.” - Samael Aun Weor, Kundalini Yoga

It is like this because the sexual energy that we utilize is creative. Whatever you decide to create with it (either consciousness or egos), will be formed. We have the choice, because Divinity grants us free will, so that the Monads can gain their own experience -> Gnosis. There is no experience gained, if one does not do the work consciously. Thus we have the choice what to do with this creative force.

Is our true self the innermost? But not the divine mother? Is my god like an ambassador to the consciousness from the absolute? Our consciousness is part of the greater whole so in our fragment it still has god?
The Absolute is the Being of all Beings.

Just as we long to unite with our Innermost, out Innermost longs to unite with the Absolute. You might want to read the chapters from Tarot and Kabbalah about the Tree of Life for a deeper explanation of the different parts:

Is our individual divine mother apart of the greater divine mother?
The Divine Mother is the eternal, feminine principle, which is formless, and further unfolds into many levels, aspects, and manifestations.

4 months ago
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