By kusa on Monday, 04 March 2024
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Dear instructors and people may the gods bless us today my questions goes as follows:
(-) Though my experiment and research and rigorous testing am now knowing that the transmutation of sexual energy through pranayama as nothing to do with the elimination of lust seems it just transmute the energy if am correct.

I think it has nothing to do with it, through my experiments but to transmute it from the root chakra and energy to awaken consciousness through meditation is that correct?
(-) Some days I transmute my sexual energy but when a beautiful woman passes by I still burn with weak passion will work on it.

Will be glad for a reply
The transmutation of sexual energy is essential to creating the solar bodies, awakening consciousness, awesome in eliminating the 'i's, and it is the bases for the raising of the seven serpents etc.

Animals are born complete, but the "humanoid" is born incomplete. It needs to be developed, completed, through cognizant work and voluntary suffering. One needs to transmute the creative sexual energy, to create the astral, mental and causal bodies, and receive the psychic and spiritual principles (this is how one becomes a human). One needs to eliminate the wrong creation that one carries within, constituted by the pluralized “I’s” (multiplicity of demons, personifying errors and that every humanoid carries inside).

However it is important that you observe yourself and then meditate on the defects that you have observed in order to comprehend the 'i' you wish to disintegrate. And once you are done comprehending the defect, tent you appeal to your divine Mother for the annihilation of that defect.

Observation is essential: observe our own psychological defects and then judge them and finally disintegrate them. Spies, in war, are first observed, second are tried, and third are shot (this is what we have to do with egos). If a thought of anger(Lust) assails us, it is an “I” that we must first observe, then judge and thirdly disintegrate.

Yet, it is not possible to disintegrate any psychological defect with the mind. The mind, by itself, can label any defect with any name it wants, pass it from one level to another, hide it from itself and from others, but not finish it, not annihilate it. It takes a power that is superior to the mind. Fortunately, that power exists. I want to refer emphatically to the power of the kundalini. Through the divine mother kundalini, we can pulverize any defect. Kundalini is Tonantzin, kundalini is Isis, kundalini is Ram-IO; Kundalini is also Diana the Huntress, likewise, she is Adonia, and she is Isobertha, and she is Rhea, and she is Cybele, and she is Maria; a part of our own Being, but a derivative.
4 months ago
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Hi, I noticed the link above is faulty, it has spaces in the url instead of dashes (-).

It should be
4 months ago
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Thank you for drawing my attention to the error. You are much appreciated
4 months ago
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