By Joshua Jenkins on Monday, 11 December 2023
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Samael Aun Weor gives certain exercises to develop willpower. For example if I'm not mistaken I think he gives one in Treatase of revolutionary psychology where I believe you rotate at the waist. What is this willpower? Is it the motivation one needs to actually do the work? Is it the will one needs to not give in to an ego when they know they need to observe onself, to meditate, to do a pranayama etc. Is this what the willpower developed with these practices is?
Christ’s will is the capacity of the Essence to express the divine qualities of spiritual strength, resilience, and diligence, to self-remember, self-observe, and consciously strive in the path. All our practices develop willpower to a degree. Some suggestions include the runes, sacred rites for rejuvenation, meditation, concentration exercises, etc.
4 months ago
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