It is important to establish the foundations for a marriage and relationship, not only in the spiritual or psychological sense, but in the economic as well.
While this may be difficult for you right now, the more you eliminate certain egos relating to your social, psychological, and financial situation, the greater the transformations will emerge in relation to your physical life. When we change internally, our circumstances will radically change.
Also, one can only renounce something one has, whether it is material or spiritual.
While you can pursue a romantic relationship, it is important that you also work on your mind. True renunciation is psychological, to give up desire. This does not signify abdication of personal responsibility, career, or the need for a home, since the Aquarian doctrine requires knowing how to live in this world for the benefit of others.
Creating a home is the basis for which conjugal life can thrive. However, we receive what we need from the Being, not what we want. When we truly die to our ego, we follow the will of our Innermost, which is supreme:
The Gnostic places all of his longings into the hands of his Innermost. —Samael Aun Weor