By Alex on Wednesday, 01 November 2023
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What’s the meaning of the following passage from apostles creed:
From there he[Christ] shall come to judge the living and the dead

Somehow I didn’t find this one mentioned in the teachings so it always remains a mystery…
There are seven initiations of Major Mysteries related with the Tree of Life.

The Last Day relates to Binah, the eighth sephirah, and is the consummation, the completion, and the qualification of those seven initiations created through the acts / Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

The Last Day is experienced at the peak of the Second Mountain, in which the soul is completely dead to ego and is going to be raised from the dead, so as to become a "living soul," a Nephesh Chaiah.

This is when the soul is finally judged after completing the Mountain of Initiation and having reached the height of the Mountain of Resurrection.

However, there are some other connotations that the Last Day, in the Qur'an, represents the Final Judgment of humanity, which Samael Aun Weor said already occurred in the internal planes and whose effects will be witnessed physically very soon.
8 months ago
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There are seven initiations of Major Mysteries related with the Tree of Life.

The Last Day relates to Binah, the eighth sephirah, and is the consummation, the completion, and the qualification of those seven initiations created through the acts / Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

The Last Day is experienced at the peak of the Second Mountain, in which the soul is completely dead to ego and is going to be raised from the dead, so as to become a "living soul," a Nephesh Chaiah.

This is when the soul is finally judged after completing the Mountain of Initiation and having reached the height of the Mountain of Resurrection.

However, there are some other connotations that the Last Day, in the Qur'an, represents the Final Judgment of humanity, which Samael Aun Weor said already occurred in the internal planes and whose effects will be witnessed physically very soon.

Thanks for the answer!
7 months ago
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