By Darren Turner on Monday, 11 September 2023
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Good evening.
Ive been on a journey for many years, which, 12mnths ago, lead me to Gloria and Gnosis. I was a Heroin addict for 20years. I am clean a few months, but I still lack discipline. I've been listening to many of the lectures and they have been helping me so much.
But, when it comes to Meditation, I just don't know how to begin. My mind races, and although I understand that Meditation isn't necessarily about, clearing the mind enteirly, these racing thoughts are very frustrating. Can anyone advice me how to begin and how to deal with this aspect please... ?
This course introduces and explains how to enter meditation, overcome obstacles, and deepen genuine serenity from beginning to end. It is 100% practical, effectively sequenced, and clearly accessible and structured.
10 months ago
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