By Emmanuel on Monday, 24 April 2023
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Can a master negotiate karma for someone else, and if it is possible who has to sacrifice for the karma to be taken out of that person, is it the master or the one with karma?
# Inferential Peace, Gnostic brethrens
Karma has five principles:

  1. Certainty: cause and effect is real
  2. Magnification: the effect is greater than the cause
  3. Compensation: we receive the consequences of our actions alone
  4. Permanence: an action can’t be taken back
  5. Transcendence: a superior action trumps an inferior one
Divine lawyers exist in the celestial courts who can defend and negotiate our case. We must pay for our deeds, yet the hierarchs of karma are compassionate and divine. They help us when we have spiritual credit.

Illustrious lawyers of the great law, who defend us when we have enough cosmic capital in order to pay our old debts, are never absent before the tribunal of Karma.

To receive credit with the lords of the law or archivists of destiny is also possible, but this must be paid with good deeds, through working for humanity, or by supreme pain.

Karma is paid not only for the evil that is done, but also for the good that could be done, yet is left undone. —Samael Aun Weor, Magic of the Runes, “Rune Rita”
11 months ago
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