By Bobby Burke on Sunday, 26 February 2023
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I am approximately a third through the Death course and could not be more filled with gratitude for the teaching.

I find myself in a position where I am holding space for a 82 year old women who is suffering a horrid death.

She clearly did not repent, she clearly is very bitter, fearful, hateful. She wants no love, no insight, no light.

Nonetheless, we are trying our best. What is recommended in these cases?

I'm aware of this abbreviated form of Ttbod -

I'm saddened that, currently, this animal is without the desire to be read (or sung) to. I realize this can change, I also realize I could read it from another room hoping it will have effect on her immense suffering.

With much gratitude,
Caring for her and radiating love towards her will do more than any words can do.
1 year ago
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Caring for her and radiating love towards her will do more than any words can do.

This simple response hits the spot. Much gratitude.
1 year ago
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