By Mariam on Sunday, 05 February 2023
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It’s clear that most, if not all relationships, will never last for eternity. Even souls bound by close familial ties may reincarnate in different lives and never speak to each other ever again. This idea is very troubling to me, the idea that both I and the other person will eventually completely forget each other. Just like how someone can be the love of your life one day, and the next day mean absolutely nothing to you.

Is there a bigger picture to all this? I know that the nature of reality is a pendulum in itself, but what about when this illusion is over? Will we all reunite in the afterlife and feel that same love that we once felt for everybody we once knew here? Are there any teachings you can point to regarding this?

One reason I’m so drawn to the New Age is this idea of ‘oneness’. The idea that when we die and enter the afterlife, we will reunite with everybody we’ve ever known, friend or foe, and live in harmonious unconditional love. Is there any merit of truth to this? Or are our relations to others just expendable, even in the afterlife?

Thank you.
Everything you asked is answered with great depth and power in the following book:
1 year ago
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