By 0FullMoon0 on Monday, 09 January 2023
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I have recently started following the spiritual pathway and have begun practicing the per-requisites to meditation. It has been about a week since I started to practice mindfulness and vigilance in my daily activities and before going to bed I engage in a meditation session involving 10 minutes of concentrating on my breath followed by chanting of a mantra for 10-15 mins (either IN.EN.ON.UN.AN or Gate Gate Pargate parsamgate bodhi svaha). Then I self-reflect over the actions of my day and sometimes read a spiritual topic book and then go to sleep. In the morning I wake up and perform 1 minutes of Wim Hof breathing and 10 minutes of Qi Gong exercises.

I am sleeping about 8 hours a day since I began meditation (1.5-2 hours longer than the number of hours I usually slept). Yet, from the past 2-3 days when I wake up in the morning I feel listless, lethargic and experience a lot of gas and headaches. I have suffered from migraines since I was a child so I usually take precautions with eating items which will not trigger a migraine.

Am I doing something wrong or improperly because of which I am feeling so tired and getting migraines? I wanted to seek some guidance on my situation.

Thank you for your help.
As you know from the lectures, meditation is built on a foundation of good ethics and relaxation. These cannot lead to headaches, yet their opposites do.

The breathing and chi gong are easy candidates for causing headaches. My advice would be to suspend them and see if that is the case.

Of course, there could be other causes elsewhere in your life.
1 year ago
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We cannot advise you, since what you are practicing is not what we teach.

You can learn what we teach here:
1 year ago
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We cannot advise you, since what you are practicing is not what we teach.

You can learn what we teach here:

Hello Alexis,
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me and providing me links to spiritual studies.

But, I am not sure how my practice is not taught by glorian or gnosis. Could you guide me as to where I am at fault?
I understood the practice from Meditation Essentials youtube playlist. I understood the practice of mindfulness and vigilance in daily practice and developing concentration through breathing exercises. I also found the mantras for chanting on the glorian youtube channel.

As for the morning spiritual exercises, I took recommendation from fellow spiritual practitioners so I understand that they might not be taught by gnostic teachings.

I would be grateful if you could guide me as to where I am erring as I am very new to this path and only have been seriously following a meditation practice since 1 week ago.
1 year ago
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