By Vivek on Saturday, 24 December 2022
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Has modern society stolen our identity? There are so many people right now, and everyone has become just a number on a spreadsheet, disposable itens useful for a souless system.

I think this may be one of the greatest reasons our egos are getting bigger and bigger. Because the system stole our legitimate identity from us, and we try to compensate for this by escaping into a world of fantasy, and this fantasy increases the ego, and this ego creates for us a false identity as a substitute for the identity we lost. Thus we feel satisfied with the illusion.

What awaits for us outside of the fantasy anyways? A boring life, 9-5 job routine, people treating you with disrespect, cold lonely nights. Why is it a surprise that people escape into alcohol, drugs, television, the internet, video games, masturbation, etc? The world out there is cold and indiferent. God is dead. Meaning is dead. Happiness is dead.

Truly sad, truly pitiful, the way the modern human lab rat is treated, isn't it?

Merry Christmas. Btw, I'm sad that Christmas is just a big party where unconscious people gather together to eat a lot, drink beer and share meaningless gifts. It's just a big consumerist profanation nowadays.
Modern society contributes to our sense of emptiness and loss, but we ourselves are solely responsible for the state of our mind, because society is the extension of the individual.

If our modern world is empty, then fill it with meaning, compassion, and charitable deeds. Become the change you want to see in others and society.
1 year ago
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Yes, you are right. Sorry for posting depressive things!
1 year ago
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When you awaken consciousness through meditation, chastity, and your connection with divinity, you will have a very different experience of life. For example, when one is in a sad, hopeless state of mind, one may experience their every day existence as just a "boring life, 9-5 job routine, people treating you with disrespect, cold lonely nights." However, that same person on another day, when they feel happy, hopeful, or have fallen in love, will experience the same routine of life with a new level of energy, zest, and excitement. The spiritual work depends upon the cultivation of our heart and mind. As we develop our heart and mind in positive, spiritual ways, our moment-to-moment existence is transformed. We still see the suffering and tragedy of our world, but with compassion and wisdom, rather than with cynicism and hopelessness. The practices taught in the books of Samael Aun Weor can all help you in your spiritual cultivation, and I recommend that you practice at least some of them each day.
1 year ago
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@Jang Mi Thank you for the suggestions
1 year ago
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