By SilentWhisper on Friday, 25 November 2022
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I would like to ask for guidance regarding English/Latin alphabetical letters correspondence with Hebrew/Runes.
While delving into meditation I saw a red capital letter "F" on upper right part of my "mind screen" (well, actually it was more physical, like seeing with my eyes, just closed and in the dark). After seeing that and being pretty familiar how sometimes you can also start seeing digits (or your own aura) this way, I started to wonder if that could be some sort of indication or something from ones own Internal Being.
I had an idea that one could find deeper meaning into that letter by taking into account Hebrew alphabet and Runes.
Maybe someone can tell what equivalent of letter "F" would be in Hebrew and Runes? And maybe post some links to lectures on this website to study those equivalents (if there are any).

Thank you!
I am not a philologist or linguist. However:

F is the Rune Fah, Fehu ᚠ or Hebrew פ Peh or Feh, the power of the Word, Christ.

I believe the lecturers in the courses below explain some cross correlations between Hebrew and Futhark.
1 year ago
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Thank you, Almustafa!
1 year ago
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