By Wonderer on Monday, 21 November 2022
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1. Can one practice only Vajroli Mudra without practicing other rites?

2. Is erection necessary for transmutation during Vajroli Mudra as a male? I do not get an erection when I perform Vajroli Mudra, mostly due to applying the massage only briefly due to holding breath.

3. What can this mean that I could not have success with other transmutation techniques for singles, like pranayama but when I practice Vajroli Mudra it seems to dry all the urges and keep me away from falling into masturbation.

Thanks a lot.
1. Yes, but the Vajroli Mudra is more powerful when combined with the sacred rites.

2. An erection is not necessary for transmutation, only concentration, remembrance, prayer, imagination, chastity, and faith.

3. It means you have found a gift. Some people respond better to certain practices than others. Now that you know one that prevents you from falling, hold true to it with a discipline of steel.
1 year ago
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Thanks for your wonderful answers.
1 year ago
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