By Daniel on Sunday, 13 November 2022
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I would like to ask if there any specific gnosis marriage ceremonies? I am wondering if there exist Gnostic-centric or themed marriage ceremonies? I am considering such a thing for me and my fiancé. But I was actually really wondering if I asked really nicely, would an instructor be willing to officiate my marriage ceremony as a Priest/Priestess? Otherwise here is a bit of the background to the question:

I am new to Gnosis/Gnosticism but with days I have absolutely fallen in love with its themes and approach, especially Sexual Transmutation. My point of entry was a free gnosis international course I am in and then reading Perfect Matrimony (still reading) and finally stumbling onto I have now made it a mission to use the Sacred Matrimony/Sexual Alchemy and other gnosis methods to attain to the Elixir of Life and Liberation. I am currently engaged and my love for her is unfolding much more greatly than before stumbling on Gnosis. I am residing in Durban South Africa.

Please stay blessed my Sangha. You are now my Spiritual Home (after my Sacred Matrimony that is hehe). May all beings be happy, Amen.
You find a school in accordance with your level of being, karma, and the will of your Innermost.

Also, you can search on google or for events near you.

Where are you from? Perhaps we can help you find a school.
1 year ago
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Marriage ceremonies and rites exist within the Gnostic Church. However, both partners would have to be a part of a physical institution that maintains the three chamber system established by Samael Aun Weor.
1 year ago
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How do we find a Gnostic Church that maintains all 3 chamber's? This marriage question was a good one. I'm feeling so lost - wish dearly there was a physical Gnostic Church like this to join and learn from in person!
1 year ago
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