By Vivek on Saturday, 22 October 2022
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Does he need to fall and rise again in order to develop more horns? Or can he do it just by experience and sacrifice?

Also, is heavenly hierarchy related to esoteric degrees? For example, does the fact that Sirius manage an entire galaxy mean his esoteric degree is high? Or are they not related at all, since hierarchy is related to the outer(planets, stars, galaxies; dust of the world) and esoteric degrees related to the inner plane of consciousness and inner development(wisdom, liberation, seeing into Truth, etc)?
The Being acquires higher degrees of objective reasoning if the initiate succeeds after either descending or falling.

Yes, heavenly hierarchies relate to esoteric degrees, because a more developed consciousness has more jurisdiction, knowledge, and power. In the case of Sirius, he is a high master because he governs a galaxy, but it comes with a price: entanglement in karma.

The internal is a reflection of the external. Behind every cosmic unit is intelligence. More developed cosmic intelligences manage greater unities or magnitudes of universal hierarchy, from the subatomic to the galactic, and even the infinite (consisting of many billions of galaxies).
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