By T on Wednesday, 13 July 2022
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Dear instructor,

Why is it i feel drained after seeing large groups of family members.
I can only guess additional astral larvae has attached onto my being and would make me feel this way but could it also be their negative or hyperactive energies?

I have been falling asleep in my morning meditation after seeing them frequently over the last week.

Please can you help me understand.

Thank you for your time.
You have to examine your psychological states and behaviors around them.

We waste energy through negative emotions. Family members can be particularly adept at provoking one’s negativity. At least that is my experience!

If you feel particularly dirty psychologically, consider cleansing yourself with sage, Conjurations, Invocations, and salt baths (and an accompanying Exorcism of Salt). Sulfur baths are also quite relaxing and rejuvenating too.

However, if you do not meditate upon and eliminate your own egos (that drain your energy), then you will continue to suffer. In this way, family members are a blessing, because they catalyze your psychological work.

Despite this, balance in relationships is key. Learn how:
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Thank you !
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