By Jophiel on Friday, 24 June 2022
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I have noticed a difference between what is considered the first sub race by Blavatsky’s theosophy and what is considered the first subrace by the gnostic movement.
Theosophists recognize the Indian race (India) as the first subrace while Master Samael considered the central Asians as the first subrace. Which of these is true? And why?
Some people think that the list of subraces provided by Samael Aun Weor or Theosophy are chronologically linear. Instead, we know historically that many of these groups existed simultaneously, although with some gradations (and categorizations) throughout different epochs.

What these subraces indicate is a general trend or evolution from Eastern to Western civilization, or how the White Lodge has been developing humanity in relation to cross-cultural expansion and the potential emergence of new civilizations.

It’s erroneous to assume that the Native Americans, remnants of the Atlantean civilization, did not exist during the time frames allotted by the septenary grouping of Aryan subraces, such as the sixth, where the Spaniards and Portuguese mixed with the American natives. The same with the Egyptians in the Middle East, who are categorized as part of the third subrace amongst the Persians, Iranians, and Arabs (even though Egypt is older than India).

After this explanation, it might be easier to understand how there might be differences in perspective between Theosophical movements and Samael Aun Weor’s writings. Both explain the general flow of Christic energy throughout the evolutionary and devolutionary processes of diverse civilizations, which are not constitutive of a strict temporal development, but a constellation of groups.

Rather than debate who is right and wrong, it is better to look at the overall correlations between cultural progress and decay in relation to how divinity has expressed itself throughout time, not whether Samael Aun Weor argued the Tibetans came first before the Indians, or vice versa.

We hope this clarifies!
1 year ago
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Evolution from Eastern to Western civilizations, In other words, the evolution of Hermes, or the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy.........
1 year ago
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I see. Is it true that the balance is now shifting back to the Eastern world from the western world as we are now seeing the moral weakening of western societies and a rising China and India?
1 year ago
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With globalization, Western development has been spreading to the East. As for Western morality, we are currently witnessing decline and devolution...
1 year ago
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