By Dima on Tuesday, 14 June 2022
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When I am aware of the moment, doing the only thing that I do and not another at the same time, I observe my mind running and it's not pleasant because it is rarely calm. And because of this, it's difficult not to start doing something else at the same time, especially in routine situations. And also to not do anything and just observe the mind is kind of "boring", feels like a waste of time (in a traffic jam for hour and a half on the road to work, same road I take almost everyday, or some other not the most interesting activities). So there is always " something more interesting, or useful " to do..
Is it possible to feel "satisfied" by just being aware doing nothing? "Traffic jam- no problem, let's observe cars around me for hour and a half.." Is boredom avoidable in situations when "nothing really happens", like in traffic jam?
Should I read mantras right away so the mind doesn't interfere in now?
Thank you.

May all being be happy🙏
Awakened consciousness is filled with awe, reverence, and spontaneity. It is never bored. Boredom is an ego.

Whatever you do or not do, be present so that you comprehend the significance of each moment.

Study the chapter below to understand how the awakened consciousness always perceives the new:
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Thank you!
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