By The Fool on Thursday, 09 June 2022
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In a couple of weeks I will be attending a retreat which lasts for 21 days. We will be learning to live on light, or some call it 'living on prana'. The first week we won't eat or drink anything, and from then on we get a cup of chai tea and some coconut milk each day, I believe (not sure about the entire program). I've been told we are going to face our fear of death and I suppose that's an interesting exercise of its own. However, some people choose to make it their permanent lifestyle.

Now I am wondering; are there any gnostics who are doing the alchemical work and are 'Living on Light'? Are these disciplines compatible with each other?

Thank you in advance

God Bless
In no way whatsoever would we be able to develop the akashic powers in our innermost constitution if we made the mistake of fornicating, committing adultery, or hating sex.

“All sin will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit... (sex).”

Once, upon finding myself outside of the physical body, I asked my Divine Mother Kundalini the following question: “Is it possible for anyone in the physical world to achieve the realization of the Innermost Self without sexual magic? ”

The response was both terrible and shocking. “Impossible, my son, that is simply impossible.” I was deeply impressed and moved in the innermost depths of my soul...

What can we say about the vayu tattva, the element of air? What is its relationship with the fruit of the vine? Obviously, no drunkard can possibly acquire the marvelous powers of the vayu tattva... It is clearly evident that pure, unfermented wine is used with success in the ritual of panchatattva...

By what method or manner can we acquire the miraculous igneous powers of the tejas tattva if we make the mistake of renouncing the carnivorous element? Unfortunately, the human multitude either becomes radically vegetarian or turns almost cannibalistic.

What can be said about the apas tattva and its formidable powers? It is obvious that the secret that allows us to control storms and walk on water is found in fish. Unfortunately, people either hate seafood or eat too much of it.

How can we conquer the powers of the prittvi tattva, the earth element, if we hate cereals, vegetables, and plants, or if we misuse them?

From the aforementioned, it follows that all the elements, of the earth as well as the flesh, are in essence absolutely pure. When the vira enjoys pleasure without the slightest hint of a personal nature, the primitive cause of the cosmos—the world of phenomena, the world of maya—is revealed in sex.

The tattvic currents encountered in the cosmos—in harmony with structural forces producing the evolution and devolution of the universe—manifest as a boundary of creation and the first-born of nature in such a way that it raises an immense potency and transforms the willpower of vira, who proceeds to blaze on the live coals of Maha-Kundalini.

- Samael Aun Weor, The Mystery of the Golden Flower, "The Panchatattva Ritual"
1 year ago
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thank you so much
1 year ago
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