By The Fool on Friday, 03 June 2022
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I haven't read all the books yet, or possibly I have missed it, but I have the impression Master Samael never wrote out practical steps for getting into marriage.

I have walked into a woman who is in all this (gnostic) stuff and when I watch the signs, I am getting convinced she is my other half. I have totally fallen in love and I want to marry her. So my question is; how do I proceed from here?

Like doing the ritual of the eucharist at home, is there a ritual we gnostics can perform at home for marriage, or is there a third party necessary for having our blessing from God?

Thank you in advance

And God bless
Meditate upon and comprehend the following in yourself:
1 year ago
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I know what to do then

Thank you so much
1 year ago
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