By Glorian Publishing on Thursday, 27 December 2012
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In The Revolution of Beelzebub:

"Within the halls of the authentic white Gnostic Initiation, a master never wears a purple or red tunic, since these colors are only used by the hierarchies of the black lodge."

And then later in the book, after Beelzebub repented:

"Beelzebub courageously passed through these four ordeals. Then, he received the cape of Chela (Disciple) of the White Lodge, and he dressed himself with a purple tunic."

Why did the repentant Beelzebub dress himself in a purple tunic, that is only used by the black lodge?
Any beginner (chela) in the internal planes is represented with a purple or black tunic since they have ego. Just because Beelzebub repented doesn't mean he achieved complete purification - therefore, he is still black inside. Any disciple when initiating the spiritual work is black with ego, even if participating in the white lodge.

Remember the three magi who visited the nativity of the Lord; the black king (שָׁאוּל Shaul, from the Hebrew word שְׁאֹול Sheol: Hell) is a Master, but has a lot of psychological work to do to in order to become a white king (דָּוִֽד David), and much more to become the yellow (שְׁלֹמֹֽה Sholomoh, Solomon, Solar-Man). The colors of alchemy relate to the stages of purification of the initiate. To transmute the vile metals into gold, one must comprehend and annihilate the ego.
11 years ago
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Master, what are the black [as purple], white, yellow and red colors that often appear in the text of Alchemy?

These are the colors which the Mercury displays when one is purifying the bodies in the crucible. What crucible are we referring to? The sexual crucible, of course.
In the beginning, this crucible emits a black color, then later, a white color. Subsequently, the yellow color is emitted, until finally reaching the red color.
This is the symbolism of the three Wise Kings: One black, one white and the other yellow. However, the red is missing. The red is missing because the Kings can only elevate themselves through the red color [sexual fire], the star that guides them is precisely Stella Maris. She guides them in the work. She is the one who performs the whole work. - Samael Aun Weor
11 years ago
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That make sense. I'm still curious about the statement that a red tunic (along with purple) is only used by the black lodge. Isn't red the highest color?
11 years ago
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Red is the color of the sacred fire. That fire can be polarized for good or for evil, since Gods and demons are born through the sexual force. Just as we find ultraviolet colors in the higher range of the light spectrum, so too do we find infrared, which corresponds to the infradimensions of nature.

In Jeremiah, chapter 21, verse 8, it is written: “Behold, I set before you the way of life, and the way of death.” Man and woman can use sexual intercourse and the delights of love and kisses in order to become Gods or demons.

From the dawn of life, a great battle has raged between the powers of light and the powers of darkness. The secret root of that battle lies in sex.

The correct interpretation of the mysteries of sex exists. The white magicians never ejaculate the semen. The black magicians always ejaculate the semen. The white magicians make the igneous serpent of our magical powers ascend through the medullar canal. The black magicians make the snake descend towards the atomic infernos of the human being.

Gods and demons live in eternal struggle. The Gods defend the doctrine of Chastity. The demons hate Chastity. In sex, the root of the conflict between Gods and demons is found.
-Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony: The Great Battle
11 years ago
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