By Padmasambhāva on Sunday, 01 May 2022
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Hi I have some questions about pranayama.

1) Between the Ham-Sah and "S" vowel pranayamas, is there one that is more effective than the other at transmuting the energy?

2) I have heard other teachers talk about other pranayamas that can be used to transmute the energy, such as the Tibetan Vase breathing and the macrocosmic orbit. They both involve visualizing the movement of energy going upwards during the exhalation instead of the inhalation. I think the reasoning behind this is the presupposition that emissions of energy only occur during the exhalation of the breath. I'm not sure if that's true. Does it make a difference whether you visualize the energy going upwards during the inhalation versus the exhalation, and if so, why?

3) And if it doesn't make a difference, can we visualize the energy flowing up the spine during the exhalation (instead of the inhalation) during the Ham-Sah pranayama?

4) During the Ham-Sah pranayama, my energy just seems to want to go down into my testicles. Nevertheless, I remain concentrated on the visualization and avoid fornication. But sometimes, even while I remain vigilant and avoid fornication by focusing on the visualization, the downward flow of energy causes me to have an erection. Is this normal, or am I allowing too much energy to go downwards?

5) While doing the Ham-Sah pranayama, even though I remain vigilant and avoid fornication by focusing on the visualization, erotic thoughts pass by but I do not indulge them. These thoughts seem to occur in the background, and I seem to have no control over their arising. Am I doing it correctly, or should I be completely shutting off all thoughts that occur in the background during the visualization?

6) Can the visualization of the upward flow of energy pertaining to either the Ham-Sah or the "S" vowel pranayama be used while on the verge of sleep or during dreams as a way to avoid fornication in our sleep/dreams?
1) No. They are both effective. It depends on which practice you resonate with most.

2) I am not familiar with the Tibetan Vase of macrocosmic orbit exercises. With Gnostic exercises, however, we do emphasize that inhalation is important to raise the sexual enrgy up the spine, whereas retention keeps that force within the brain. Exhalations also send the energy to the heart, specifically in Ham-Sah. All aspects are important and complement each other.

3) Do not change the parameters of the exercise. Practice them as stipulated.

4) Ham-Sah should not produce an erection. It should actually diminish it through transmutation. Examine your mind for the causes.

5) Do not mix transmutation with lust. Concentrate upon the purity of your Divine Mother.

6) Yes.
1 year ago
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