By Padmasambhāva on Thursday, 07 April 2022
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So I guess there is four main questions in this post. (sorry for asking multiple questions in a single post)

Hi. I'm really frustrated with the fact that I had a wet dream last night, especially considering that my chastity has been very well-embedded in my subconscious. And so the only thing that I can point to as being the culprit of the wet dream is my dietary habits. I ate a pasta that was a little saltier than usual and I added some pepper jack cheese to it. And I know that these food qualities can provoke wet dreams because I have a copy of the "Practice of Brahmacharya" book by Swami Sivananda which goes over which foods to avoid. But the wet dream might have also been cased by going to sleep on a full stomach.

The fact that I don't know what exactly is causing my wet dreams is really frustrating. And it's confusing because I often eat spicy or salty food, or go to sleep on a full stomach, without any negative consequences. And because I've been being chaste in thought, word, and deed, I feel that I don't deserve this. It makes me feel like just cursing at God or the Universe, and asking "What did I do to deserve this?"

I remember in the past, when I was younger, that I would eat all kinds of things and I would never have wet dreams. But now I have them for what appear to be the most insignificant reasons. My first question is: Could it be that wet dreams make it easier for my body to keep having more of them? Almost as if they lubricate the passage way, or make it larger? Is it more difficult for people who have gone a long time without wet dreams for their body to have them? Is there a sort of inertia at play here?

I never want to have a wet dream ever again. So I suppose the smartest approach would be to play it safe and eat a bland diet regardless of how long I've been without a wet dream. My second question is: Is it normal for a Gnostic to be very meticulous about his/her diet? And to treat it like a life or death scenario? Because that's the way I'm thinking of treating it from now on.

My third question is about staying conscious through the night as a method of avoiding wet dreams. I have been meditating in a very effortless way. I have just been sitting or lying in bed doing nothing in particular. They say that the best way to control the mind is to give it free range. While doing this effortless meditation, I also make sure not to indulge any sexual fantasies. This effortless method has been really helpful towards making me more conscious. But as a way to avoid wet dreams (third question:) would it be better to remain conscious of myself throughout sleep? I have tried this method but I have not been very successful with it. It usually either just keeps me awake and creates more tension in my body, or I drift off into sleep but am not able to remain fully conscious during my sleep. Usually, I start to become conscious like in the fourth quarter of my sleep. But not the first few dreams. Should I keeping persisting with this method? I really, really don't ever want to have a wet dream again.

My last question: I notice that sometimes my breathing comes to a pause. Especially when I'm on the verge of transitioning from wakefulness to sleep. And I know that it's not obstructive sleep apnea because it's not my throat that obstructs my air flow, but perhaps it might be central sleep apnea. When my breath comes to a pause it doesn't feel like I'm short of air, instead it feels relaxing. But when it resumes, it (my breath) starts to breathe somewhat shallow, fast, and uncontrolled. (My breathing is often shallow, fast, and uncontrolled during wakefulness. And I think it might be due to repressed emotion or stress.) And I was wondering if this might be causing some of my wet dreams. So my last question is: Is it normal (healthy) for the breath to pause on its own while lying in bed?

Sorry for being such a pain in the butt. I really appreciate what you guys do.
The melon seed practice works over time, not just for a couple of hours. Give it time and space to work. Be patient.

It is easier to stay chaste the more you eliminate lust.

Also, the more you transmute, the easier it becomes to retain your sexual energy, because the body learns.

If you have too much fire from your diet, it can be more difficult to control your sexual energy. Balance is key.

Transmutation requires conscious activity. Transmutation can become more automatic with discipline, yet there will always be the need to manage it through conscious, intentional works.

Even if you train your body to transmute automatically, eating too much of the fire element can create an imbalance if you are not in full control of yourself by eliminating lust. For example, too much fuel in a fire can spiral out of control.

Diet should complement your transmutation practice. Manage your fires and eliminate lust. Then you will have longevity in your chastity.

When your body is trained, it is less likely to have sexual emissions during a lustful dream. However, so long as you possess the desire to fornicate, sexual falls can happen.

More important than physical fasting is psychological fasting to lust. Diet is not the basis of chastity. It is merely a part.

If you do not meditate on your lust, you cannot eliminate the desires that cause sexual falls.

Balancing your meals can go a long way. Likewise, transmuting more often helps as well to train the body to work in a centripetal manner. However, even if you establish a strong inward flux and flow of energy, you can disrupt this through one lustful desire in your mind. Hence the need for psychological death.
1 year ago
0 Votes
The body must be trained to transmute since it is accustomed to fornication. Be patient with yourself.

Avoid eating too much red meat if you cannot transmute its Tejas or fire element.

However, diet is not fool-proof. If your mind consumes lustful impressions, pornographic media, lewd conversations, or repressed sexual fantasies, then no amount of dieting will prevent your lust from betraying you.

How much are you dieting to lust, i.e. how often do you meditate upon and comprehend your lust? Retrospection meditation is key.

Meditating in the early morning to transmute your sexual energy can help train the body.

Sleep apnea is not healthy, but can be treated with a proper machine. Consult a sleep doctor if this is occurring to you.

Have you worked with the melon seed medicine?
2 years ago
0 Votes
The body must be trained to transmute since it is accustomed to fornication. Be patient with yourself.

Okay thanks. Yes, I agree. My body must be trained to transmute.

Avoid eating too much red meat if you cannot transmute its Tejas or fire element.

Okay thanks, I will be more mindful of that.

Have you worked with the melon seed medicine?

I have tried it a couple times, but I find that the effects only last about 2 to 3 hours, and I don't think that would be sufficient since I often have nocturnal emissions further into the night than 3 hours. My energy starts to flow upwards while the effect is working but then that same energy seems to go back down once it wears off. Once that energy goes up, does it transmute and stay transmuted, or can it return back down and cause me to fornicate? Because if that's the case, then maybe I just have excessive energy from eating too much.

Thanks for the response. But can you please elaborate more on the following:

Is it easier to stay free of wet dreams the longer you have gone without them, and if so, why is that the case?

I think I read somewhere on this website that once you develop compassion, your energy will be flowing in the upward or centripetal direction and you will become immune to wet dreams. Is compassion, i.e. the direction of the flow of our energy, the only influential factor that we should concern ourselves with, or should we continue to regulate the quantity and quality of the food that we eat even once we have developed compassion (our energy is flowing in the right direction) and have gone a long time without wet dreams?

Another similar question that I have is this:

Suppose that our energy is already flowing in the right direction, in a centripetal manner, and we eat a bunch of red meat or garlic or spicy food or we stuff ourselves to the point of being full before going to sleep. Supposing that our energy is already flowing in the centripetal direction, would there still be the need to be mindful of those eating habits, or does the transmutation happen on its own at that point?

And another important question that I have is this:

If our energy is flowing in the centripetal direction during the day, is it possible that it could shift to the centrifugal direction during our sleep and in our dreams? And if that's the case, then wouldn't it be correct to say that we are not really safe from wet dreams until we can be sure that our energy is flowing centripetally even in our sleep and dreams?

And yet another question that came up for me is this (sorry):

Is it still possible to have wet dreams (even if no semen comes out) while we are fasting? I am asking this because I have been trying to regulate my diet to avoid wet dreams. But last night I had an orgasm in which no semen came out, but I know for certain that it was an orgasm. It wasn't accompanied by any lustful thoughts, but It may have been caused by my body just being accustomed to having that energy go downwards/centrifugally. And I was wondering if these orgasms can be avoided by depriving myself of excessive energy that I get from eating food. If that's the case, then I can just eat less at night, or skip the last meal of the day.

My long term goal is to have my energy flowing centripetally 24/7, but I find that it's difficult to reach that point, especially in the days following a nocturnal orgasm since I find that my energy is constantly flowing in the downwards direction. And so, in the meantime, can I prevent these involuntary, nocturnal orgasms by regulating the amount of energy that I have, ie. by fasting more austerely before going to sleep? Or is it ONLY a matter of the direction or perhaps equanimity of the flow of energy?
2 years ago
0 Votes
The body must be trained to transmute since it is accustomed to fornication. Be patient with yourself.

Okay thanks. Yes, I agree. My body must be trained to transmute.

Avoid eating too much red meat if you cannot transmute its Tejas or fire element.

Okay thanks, I will be more mindful of that.

Have you worked with the melon seed medicine?

I have tried it a couple times, but I find that the effects only last about 2 to 3 hours, and I don't think that would be sufficient since I often have nocturnal emissions further into the night than 3 hours. My energy starts to flow upwards while the effect is working but then that same energy seems to go back down once it wears off. Once that energy goes up, does it transmute and stay transmuted, or can it return back down and cause me to fornicate? Because if that's the case, then maybe I just have excessive energy from eating too much.

Thanks for the response. But can you please elaborate more on the following:

Is it easier to stay free of wet dreams the longer you have gone without them, and if so, why is that the case?

I think I read somewhere on this website that once you develop compassion, your energy will be flowing in the upward or centripetal direction and you will become immune to wet dreams. Is compassion, i.e. the direction of the flow of our energy, the only influential factor that we should concern ourselves with, or should we continue to regulate the quantity and quality of the food that we eat even once we have developed compassion (our energy is flowing in the right direction) and have gone a long time without wet dreams?

Another similar question that I have is this:

Suppose that our energy is already flowing in the right direction, in a centripetal manner, and we eat a bunch of red meat or garlic or spicy food or we stuff ourselves to the point of being full before going to sleep. Supposing that our energy is already flowing in the centripetal direction, would there still be the need to be mindful of those eating habits, or does the transmutation happen on its own at that point?

And another important question that I have is this:

If our energy is flowing in the centripetal direction during the day, is it possible that it could shift to the centrifugal direction during our sleep and in our dreams? And if that's the case, then wouldn't it be correct to say that we are not really safe from wet dreams until we can be sure that our energy is flowing centripetally even in our sleep and dreams?

And yet another question that came up for me is this (sorry):

Is it still possible to have wet dreams (even if no semen comes out) while we are fasting? I am asking this because I have been trying to regulate my diet to avoid wet dreams. But last night I had an orgasm in which no semen came out, but I know for certain that it was an orgasm. It wasn't accompanied by any lustful thoughts, but It may have been caused by my body just being accustomed to having that energy go downwards/centrifugally. And I was wondering if these orgasms can be avoided by depriving myself of excessive energy that I get from eating food. If that's the case, then I can just eat less at night, or skip the last meal of the day.

My long term goal is to have my energy flowing centripetally 24/7, but I find that it's difficult to reach that point, especially in the days following a nocturnal orgasm since I find that my energy is constantly flowing in the downwards direction. And so, in the meantime, can I prevent these involuntary, nocturnal orgasms by regulating the amount of energy that I have, ie. by fasting more austerely before going to sleep? Or is it ONLY a matter of the direction or perhaps equanimity of the flow of energy?

Maybe Glorian will allow my input as I understand your desperation. On top of what Almustafa advised, squeezing the tip of your lingam with your hand very firmly just before or at the moment of climax tends to crush the sensation immediately and prevent the orgasm. I'm sleeping with my hand by my side and trying to train my will to stay alert and prepared for the next arousal. Squeezing pelvic floor muscles is of course helpful, but I as you know, those muscles by themselves need to be extremely strong to hold back an orgasm. pelvic floor muscles and the hand squeeze is effective. And from experience, exhaling adds an extra sedative on the lingam, whereas inhaling will slightly promote arousal. if you see lustful imagery at the same time, definitely have to train yourself to look away, because I have this habit of staring without awareness and it just promotes emission. I would imagine that announcing a mantra like "gate gate" or the "om" mantra would be even better.
1 year ago
0 Votes
Maybe Glorian will allow my input as I understand your desperation. On top of what Almustafa advised, squeezing the tip of your lingam with your hand very firmly just before or at the moment of climax tends to crush the sensation immediately and prevent the orgasm.

This is not advised.

Procedures of physical restraint are from teachings of black magic. Those who rely on these techniques fall into black magic eventually.
1 year ago
0 Votes
Maybe Glorian will allow my input as I understand your desperation. On top of what Almustafa advised, squeezing the tip of your lingam with your hand very firmly just before or at the moment of climax tends to crush the sensation immediately and prevent the orgasm.

This is not advised.

Procedures of physical restraint are from teachings of black magic. Those who rely on these techniques fall into black magic eventually.

Hm, you learn something every day. And did this technique also come from black schools? I thought maybe it was a relatively modern practice. Do you suggest particular mantras? I think you mentioned a Christian prayer that is very affective against lust in one of the spiritual self-defense lectures.
1 year ago
0 Votes
Maybe Glorian will allow my input as I understand your desperation. On top of what Almustafa advised, squeezing the tip of your lingam with your hand very firmly just before or at the moment of climax tends to crush the sensation immediately and prevent the orgasm.

This is not advised.

Procedures of physical restraint are from teachings of black magic. Those who rely on these techniques fall into black magic eventually.

In the lecture, Fire of Kundalini, it's explained that Tara sends us temptations (ordeals?) of sex in our dreams by working with Lucifer and these are opportunities for transmutation, correct? But these days it tends to lead to nocturnal emissions? Now, Is this different than nocturnal emissions caused by mechanical dreams? I've noticed that some of my lustful dreams have a particular sophistication to them like intuitive visions, so that's what got me thinking that it was Tara who created them.
1 year ago
0 Votes
The body must be trained to transmute since it is accustomed to fornication. Be patient with yourself.

Okay thanks. Yes, I agree. My body must be trained to transmute.

Avoid eating too much red meat if you cannot transmute its Tejas or fire element.

Okay thanks, I will be more mindful of that.

Have you worked with the melon seed medicine?

I have tried it a couple times, but I find that the effects only last about 2 to 3 hours, and I don't think that would be sufficient since I often have nocturnal emissions further into the night than 3 hours. My energy starts to flow upwards while the effect is working but then that same energy seems to go back down once it wears off. Once that energy goes up, does it transmute and stay transmuted, or can it return back down and cause me to fornicate? Because if that's the case, then maybe I just have excessive energy from eating too much.

Thanks for the response. But can you please elaborate more on the following:

Is it easier to stay free of wet dreams the longer you have gone without them, and if so, why is that the case?

I think I read somewhere on this website that once you develop compassion, your energy will be flowing in the upward or centripetal direction and you will become immune to wet dreams. Is compassion, i.e. the direction of the flow of our energy, the only influential factor that we should concern ourselves with, or should we continue to regulate the quantity and quality of the food that we eat even once we have developed compassion (our energy is flowing in the right direction) and have gone a long time without wet dreams?

Another similar question that I have is this:

Suppose that our energy is already flowing in the right direction, in a centripetal manner, and we eat a bunch of red meat or garlic or spicy food or we stuff ourselves to the point of being full before going to sleep. Supposing that our energy is already flowing in the centripetal direction, would there still be the need to be mindful of those eating habits, or does the transmutation happen on its own at that point?

And another important question that I have is this:

If our energy is flowing in the centripetal direction during the day, is it possible that it could shift to the centrifugal direction during our sleep and in our dreams? And if that's the case, then wouldn't it be correct to say that we are not really safe from wet dreams until we can be sure that our energy is flowing centripetally even in our sleep and dreams?

And yet another question that came up for me is this (sorry):

Is it still possible to have wet dreams (even if no semen comes out) while we are fasting? I am asking this because I have been trying to regulate my diet to avoid wet dreams. But last night I had an orgasm in which no semen came out, but I know for certain that it was an orgasm. It wasn't accompanied by any lustful thoughts, but It may have been caused by my body just being accustomed to having that energy go downwards/centrifugally. And I was wondering if these orgasms can be avoided by depriving myself of excessive energy that I get from eating food. If that's the case, then I can just eat less at night, or skip the last meal of the day.

My long term goal is to have my energy flowing centripetally 24/7, but I find that it's difficult to reach that point, especially in the days following a nocturnal orgasm since I find that my energy is constantly flowing in the downwards direction. And so, in the meantime, can I prevent these involuntary, nocturnal orgasms by regulating the amount of energy that I have, ie. by fasting more austerely before going to sleep? Or is it ONLY a matter of the direction or perhaps equanimity of the flow of energy?

Oh here's another really important tip I just realized. Better yet, try to wake yourself up whenever you find yourself overwhelmed with lustful impressions. In the astral plane this morning, I saw more impressions emerge in these magazines that were on a table next to me; so I looked away, but then as I tried to walk off, I heard a woman moan from another room and I had to just get out of there. I woke up and was very surprised by how tricky these ordeals can be. You would probably need a lot of will power and some training to ward off these impressions with teleportation or mantras.
1 year ago
0 Votes

That's a link from Gnostic Students YouTube channel from the course, Defense for Spiritual Warefare.

oh and equally or more important than training yourself to wake up are these excellent mantras and prayers. skip to 1:32:50.

Alexis explains that if you're having trouble with nocturnal emissions, Belilin is particularly effective against that; temptations of lust.
1 year ago
0 Votes
In the lecture, Fire of Kundalini, it's explained that Tara sends us temptations (ordeals?) of sex in our dreams by working with Lucifer and these are opportunities for transmutation, correct? But these days it tends to lead to nocturnal emissions? Now, Is this different than nocturnal emissions caused by mechanical dreams? I've noticed that some of my lustful dreams have a particular sophistication to them like intuitive visions, so that's what got me thinking that it was Tara who created them.

To distinguish an ordeal from a projection of your own lust requires intuition. Be awake and meditate on the nature of your experiences to gain certainty.
1 year ago
0 Votes
In the lecture, Fire of Kundalini, it's explained that Tara sends us temptations (ordeals?) of sex in our dreams by working with Lucifer and these are opportunities for transmutation, correct? But these days it tends to lead to nocturnal emissions? Now, Is this different than nocturnal emissions caused by mechanical dreams? I've noticed that some of my lustful dreams have a particular sophistication to them like intuitive visions, so that's what got me thinking that it was Tara who created them.

To distinguish an ordeal from a projection of your own lust requires intuition. Be awake and meditate on the nature of your experiences to gain certainty.

Okay, I see now that there is a distinction.
1 year ago
0 Votes
The melon seed practice works over time, not just for a couple of hours. Give it time and space to work. Be patient.

It is easier to stay chaste the more you eliminate lust.

Also, the more you transmute, the easier it becomes to retain your sexual energy, because the body learns.

If you have too much fire from your diet, it can be more difficult to control your sexual energy. Balance is key.

Transmutation requires conscious activity. Transmutation can become more automatic with discipline, yet there will always be the need to manage it through conscious, intentional works.

Even if you train your body to transmute automatically, eating too much of the fire element can create an imbalance if you are not in full control of yourself by eliminating lust. For example, too much fuel in a fire can spiral out of control.

Diet should complement your transmutation practice. Manage your fires and eliminate lust. Then you will have longevity in your chastity.

When your body is trained, it is less likely to have sexual emissions during a lustful dream. However, so long as you possess the desire to fornicate, sexual falls can happen.

More important than physical fasting is psychological fasting to lust. Diet is not the basis of chastity. It is merely a part.

If you do not meditate on your lust, you cannot eliminate the desires that cause sexual falls.

Balancing your meals can go a long way. Likewise, transmuting more often helps as well to train the body to work in a centripetal manner. However, even if you establish a strong inward flux and flow of energy, you can disrupt this through one lustful desire in your mind. Hence the need for psychological death.

About how long can it take for the melon seed drink to provide its full effect? Do incense help with this problem too?
1 year ago
0 Votes
So I guess there is four main questions in this post. (sorry for asking multiple questions in a single post)

Hi. I'm really frustrated with the fact that I had a wet dream last night, especially considering that my chastity has been very well-embedded in my subconscious. And so the only thing that I can point to as being the culprit of the wet dream is my dietary habits. I ate a pasta that was a little saltier than usual and I added some pepper jack cheese to it. And I know that these food qualities can provoke wet dreams because I have a copy of the "Practice of Brahmacharya" book by Swami Sivananda which goes over which foods to avoid. But the wet dream might have also been cased by going to sleep on a full stomach.

The fact that I don't know what exactly is causing my wet dreams is really frustrating. And it's confusing because I often eat spicy or salty food, or go to sleep on a full stomach, without any negative consequences. And because I've been being chaste in thought, word, and deed, I feel that I don't deserve this. It makes me feel like just cursing at God or the Universe, and asking "What did I do to deserve this?"

I remember in the past, when I was younger, that I would eat all kinds of things and I would never have wet dreams. But now I have them for what appear to be the most insignificant reasons. My first question is: Could it be that wet dreams make it easier for my body to keep having more of them? Almost as if they lubricate the passage way, or make it larger? Is it more difficult for people who have gone a long time without wet dreams for their body to have them? Is there a sort of inertia at play here?

I never want to have a wet dream ever again. So I suppose the smartest approach would be to play it safe and eat a bland diet regardless of how long I've been without a wet dream. My second question is: Is it normal for a Gnostic to be very meticulous about his/her diet? And to treat it like a life or death scenario? Because that's the way I'm thinking of treating it from now on.

My third question is about staying conscious through the night as a method of avoiding wet dreams. I have been meditating in a very effortless way. I have just been sitting or lying in bed doing nothing in particular. They say that the best way to control the mind is to give it free range. While doing this effortless meditation, I also make sure not to indulge any sexual fantasies. This effortless method has been really helpful towards making me more conscious. But as a way to avoid wet dreams (third question:) would it be better to remain conscious of myself throughout sleep? I have tried this method but I have not been very successful with it. It usually either just keeps me awake and creates more tension in my body, or I drift off into sleep but am not able to remain fully conscious during my sleep. Usually, I start to become conscious like in the fourth quarter of my sleep. But not the first few dreams. Should I keeping persisting with this method? I really, really don't ever want to have a wet dream again.

My last question: I notice that sometimes my breathing comes to a pause. Especially when I'm on the verge of transitioning from wakefulness to sleep. And I know that it's not obstructive sleep apnea because it's not my throat that obstructs my air flow, but perhaps it might be central sleep apnea. When my breath comes to a pause it doesn't feel like I'm short of air, instead it feels relaxing. But when it resumes, it (my breath) starts to breathe somewhat shallow, fast, and uncontrolled. (My breathing is often shallow, fast, and uncontrolled during wakefulness. And I think it might be due to repressed emotion or stress.) And I was wondering if this might be causing some of my wet dreams. So my last question is: Is it normal (healthy) for the breath to pause on its own while lying in bed?

Sorry for being such a pain in the butt. I really appreciate what you guys do.

How's the brahmacharya going?

I started experimenting with a timer to break my sleep cycle up to help with this problem. I've had instant results using the timer technique with the Pavlok shock clock, as I sleep through the loudest alarms and the melon seed drink and yoga asanas seem to be taking time:

I was doing more research and found these yoga asanas showing up from different sources:
10 months ago
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