By Someone on Monday, 04 April 2022
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I have observed my meditation practice over the years and have realized that it is in waves.

I mostly meditate on the ego. There are periods of time when I can clearly see and understand the egos I'm working on. These periods are usually started by a kind of "breakthrough" in my understanding. It is an extremely fulfilling and pleasant time.

But then I have periods where the internal images are like "dry wallpaper" nothing comes out of them except frustration let alone knowledge.

From your experience is this because of a lack of technique or simply a lack of patience?
It can often be both. Sometimes it can be the result of a spiritual night.

Regarding techniques, we always have to gauge the quality of our application of the teachings. Examining how we are practicing is important, since Dianoia is revision of beliefs. It is necessary to question ourselves, our states, and our understandings consistently. This is a long and patient process.

Light comes and goes. What matters is that we are consistent and await the voice of the silence when it does speak. The impatient fail, while the diligent succeed in the end.
Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. —Revelation 3:20
2 years ago
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