By Warquarius: age of revolution on Sunday, 23 January 2022
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What is reality?

Are we begging for comprehension of the reality… because we don’t see or understand the absolute truth of the situation. Or we beg for comprehension because we react to reality, in a negative manner, ignorant to the reality and suffer as a result of our behavior and attitude.

What is reality? Is there one total reality?

Seems like a really good goal to ask yourself what is the reality of the situation! And then to behave according to each and their own degree of wisdom or understanding reality!
The truth is the unknowable from moment to moment.

Life is constituted by a constant stream of transient impressions, both internal (psychic) and external (from our environment). How we react (egotistically) or respond (with consciousness) depends upon the absence of the Essence or the presence of desire.

When there is no “I,” who wants to see reality? If there is no observer or interpreter of events, who is present? If there is no self, how can reality be apprehended? Examine these questions in yourself when meditating on your relationship with your experiences.
2 years ago
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