By Talal Nasser on Sunday, 09 January 2022
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I have read that self love is an egoistical approach , Does this includes taking care of yourself , accepting yourself
be gentle and kind to yourself but not in narcissistic way ?
I mean how can I love others If I don't love myself ?
How can I give if my cup is empty ?
Moreover, Is self defense and standing up for myself is an egoistical approach also ?
Ex: If someone tries to damage my reputation or attack me physically or verbally the natural thing to do is to defend yourself but without allowing the ego or inner negative feelings to take control , Is this an egoistical approach as well ?
Many thanks
The consciousness knows dignity, conscience, respect, confidence, and healthy boundaries with people.

However, most people do not know how to discriminate between that and their weaknesses: vanity, pride, hurt self-esteem, anger, and intolerance, which masquerade as martyrs, judges, and our most noble ideals.

You will only know the difference through rigorous self-observation and meditation.
2 years ago
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Thank you so much AlMustafa
2 years ago
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