By Ides on Sunday, 26 December 2021
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For the past several months, I have been struggling to figure out what I want to do with my (terrestrial) life and have had an inordinate amount of failures finding a career, or even just a low-level entry job. I probably need to figure it out this coming year.

I have lackadaisically tried to figure out this problem with the exercises offered in Introduction to Gnosis (those exercises and jarring). I have meditated/thought a lot on what I want to do but just get more confused and frustrated. I have become baffled and distraught at the complexity of online application processes but have to live in the world ergo know how to work a computer. I am finding the entire career process futile since I put my heart and soul into so many applications that come back with a rejection, which is causing a lot of resentment, self-criticism, and a funny feeling in my abdomen.

It is all making me want the world to end because I don't see anyone worth serving, but that sounds like a highly self-contradictory ego.

Ever since college I have placed huge emphasis on a career being the summum of success and identity especially if it paid well. It allowed me to work (too) hard in getting a nice degree that I have no idea what to do with.

Practically speaking, do you all know of any good resources for employment? (not Glorian as we all know! )

Also, during a recent lecture, I realized that I am neglecting my spiritual vocation, which I now realize is a totally separate thing. Or is it? I don't want my vocation to be circumstantial.

However, the differentiation between a worldly and spiritual calling is a surprising relief from mundane expectations of my personality. I am still neglecting the former though, and would like to combine my external vocation with my internal vocation, or is that a very long process of initiation like Beethoven and Michelangelo?

How do I go out into the world and find something worth doing?

Any insights into anything would be appreciated.

Regards & Best Wishes
Have you considered taking a RIASEC test? Holland Code (RIASEC) Test

A vocation is likely to begin as circumstantial, because we are asleep. However, remember that our circumstances still have extreme spiritual value, if we comprehend them. Our current life situation is due to karma, which means it is the result of our past actions and can show us intimate facts about ourselves if we penetrate deeply into its significance. Perhaps we may find ourselves working at a job that our pride feels is "beneath us," yet that experience shows us our pride, our aversions, our fantasies--all while providing us a chance to serve others and master humility. This job becomes of great benefit to us spiritually, which is much better than having a job that benefits us egotistically. (Not to say that "prestigious" or high-paying jobs cannot also be of spiritual benefit, because they can, to the one who knows how to transform them. )

You can also use the mantra "O" to awaken your heart. We need a sensitive heart to learn how to love others, to see the good qualities in others that inspire us to service. When our focus in our job is looking into others' hearts to understand what help they need from us, even in a small way, then we escape the cruel desires of our ego. We find joy in any vocation when we know how we can give, rather than how we can take/find egotistical fulfillment from the trade.
2 years ago
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2 years ago
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Ad nauseam (with respect)
2 years ago
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Here is a thought: how does mediating (not a "meditating" typo) with the Zodiacal exercise influence our vocational sense?
2 years ago
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