Saturday, 18 December 2021
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Hello, I have three questions that I wanted to ask, if I may.

First, I was wondering if there is a correlation between orgasm and breathing fast and shallowly during the days afterwards. I don't know why I breath so fast sometimes, and I get fatigued very quickly, even just by simple tasks such as reading.

Secondly, I heard that following the "personal will" eventually drives one to a point where one gets really tired and oftentimes physically ill. Is this common among people who are constantly motivated by their personal will? Or might it have more to do with mere sleep deprivation or everyday stress?

Lastly, I currently started taking an SSRI (antidepressant) to manage my anxiety. And I've noticed a few changes while on it. Namely, it makes it more difficult for sexual arousal to occur. I haven't had any wet dreams for the duration that I've been taking it; whereas beforehand I would have a wet dream once every week or two. However, I've noticed that even though I don't have any emissions of semen anymore, I still continue to experience orgasms at an energetic level (during sleep), and all of the negative effects that follow. I am not too sure, but it also seems as though my arousal levels during my dreams are less controllable while on the medication. And I was just wondering if these Gnostic teachings had anything to say about antidepressants. Could they be an impediment towards the natural, biological process of transmutation?

Thanks in advance.
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
1. Breath is intimately related with sexual energy, which is why to transmute, we incorporate the breath to direct the creative force. We do so through deeper and more pronounced inhalations and shorter, gentler exhalations, specifically with Ham-Sah:
The inhalation is performed slowly, while the exhalation is short and quick. The reason? Obviously, in every person the creative energy flows from the inside towards the outside, that is to say centrifugally. But for the purpose of spiritual growth we must reverse that order. Our energy must flow in a centripetal manner, that is to say, from the outside towards the inside.

Indubitably, if we inhale slowly and steady, the creative energy will flow in a centripetal manner, from the outside towards the inside. And if we exhale short and quick, then that energy will become increasingly centripetal.

During this practice, one must not think of absolutely anything. The eyes must be fully closed. Only the Ham-Sah will vibrate in our mind, and nothing else. —Samael Aun Weor, “The Conquest of the Illuminating Void”
However, breath is not everything, since conscious will and remembrance must be present and active to achieve transmutation, not breath alone.

It is good to be mindful of our breath throughout the day, bearing in mind the centripetal flow of forces as opposed to the centrifugal.

2. Personal will is ego. What we want to develop is Christ’s will.

3. All psychotropic medications modify the sexual energy and add an additional condition to your work.

However, you have to weigh the costs and benefits in your own life with the advice of psychological professionals. Psychotropic medications are serious, but the consequences of lacking stability and functioning due to the severity of your depression could be worse without them. Only you and your Innermost can judge.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 years ago
Will somebody answer my questions?
2 years ago
Accepted Answer
1. Breath is intimately related with sexual energy, which is why to transmute, we incorporate the breath to direct the creative force. We do so through deeper and more pronounced inhalations and shorter, gentler exhalations, specifically with Ham-Sah:
The inhalation is performed slowly, while the exhalation is short and quick. The reason? Obviously, in every person the creative energy flows from the inside towards the outside, that is to say centrifugally. But for the purpose of spiritual growth we must reverse that order. Our energy must flow in a centripetal manner, that is to say, from the outside towards the inside.

Indubitably, if we inhale slowly and steady, the creative energy will flow in a centripetal manner, from the outside towards the inside. And if we exhale short and quick, then that energy will become increasingly centripetal.

During this practice, one must not think of absolutely anything. The eyes must be fully closed. Only the Ham-Sah will vibrate in our mind, and nothing else. —Samael Aun Weor, “The Conquest of the Illuminating Void”
However, breath is not everything, since conscious will and remembrance must be present and active to achieve transmutation, not breath alone.

It is good to be mindful of our breath throughout the day, bearing in mind the centripetal flow of forces as opposed to the centrifugal.

2. Personal will is ego. What we want to develop is Christ’s will.

3. All psychotropic medications modify the sexual energy and add an additional condition to your work.

However, you have to weigh the costs and benefits in your own life with the advice of psychological professionals. Psychotropic medications are serious, but the consequences of lacking stability and functioning due to the severity of your depression could be worse without them. Only you and your Innermost can judge.

For thirty years I sought God. But when I looked carefully I found that in reality God was the seeker and I the sought. -Bayazid al-Bastami

2 years ago
Thanks, Almustafa. Can I ask you to re-read that second question? I am not sure you understood the question that I was asking.
2 years ago
Hi John,

Regarding your second question, have you ever heard of Bobbin-Kandelnosts? "They represent the values, the capital, that each human being carries in the three brains (intellectual, motor, emotional). Whosoever carries small grains lives little, dying within a few days, months, or within the first year of life. One lives by thirds and dies by thirds. Whosoever squanders their intellectual capital falls into insanity, schizophrenia, etc. Whosoever squanders their motor center, or center of movement, ends up paralyzed, deformed, etc. Whosoever squanders their emotional center suffers from illness of the heart." —Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

Each person is allotted differing amounts of these vital values in each of the three brains, in accordance with their karma. So, what does it mean to "squander" those vital values? Precisely to follow one's "self-will" rather than to live in harmony with the will of our inner divinity. When we act according to egotistical desires, we waste a lot of energy. For example, one who is watching a sports match may feel excited and seem energized, but they are expending a large amount of emotional energy in that activity. What was the spiritual value produced by the activity? We have a limited amount of energy allotted to us in life, and most of us waste it on frivolous pursuits. On the contrary, divinity knows how to make excellent use of each unit of our energy. When that energy is used in harmonious ways, we produce positive consequences that make efficient use of our vital values.

Furthermore, Gurdjieff (as quoted in Witness) stated: "There is a certain energy that is necessary for work on oneself. No man can make efforts unless he has a supply of this energy. We can call it the Higher Emotional Energy. Everyone, by a natural process, makes a small amount of this energy every day. If rightly used, it enables man to achieve much for his own self-perfecting. But he can only get to a certain point in this way. The real complete transformation of Being, that is indispensable for a man who wishes to fulfil the purpose of his existence, requires a very much greater concentration of Higher Emotional Energy than that which comes to him by nature. There are some people in the world, but they are very rare, who are connected to a Great Reservoir or Accumulator of this energy. This Reservoir has no limits. Those who can draw upon it can be a means of helping others. Suppose that a man needs a hundred units of this energy for his own transformation, but he only has ten units and cannot make more for himself. He is helpless. But with the help of someone who can draw upon the Great Accumulator, he can borrow ninety more. Then his work can be effective."

We draw on higher energetic currents when we follow Christ's will, when we are one with our inner divinity in word, thought, and deed.

Regarding depression, performing the Ham-Sah pranayama every day can help significantly. You can find a recording of a guided Ham-Sah practice here:

"If thou canst not make thine own self what thou desireth, how shalt thou be able to fashion another to thine own liking. We are ready to see others made perfect, and yet we do not amend our own shortcomings."
—Thomas à Kempis

2 years ago
Wow, thank you so much, Jang Mi. I am learning more everyday. I will review the things you sent me in the near future.
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