By solar on Friday, 10 December 2021
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Can you please give me clear direction of the spinning of the chakras when we practice the seven vowels of nature, IEOUAMS. I have in my notes to visualize them rotating from left to right, but that could be misinterpreted depending on how we view our chakras.

For example, if I view each one of my chakras internally as a clock with the 12 o'clock hour being on the top of each one of my chakras in my body then I would visualize the energy moving from the top of the 12 o'clock down the left side of my chakra (left side of my body) and up the right side of the chakra back to the top...just like a clock would move its hand.

If I were to extend my arm out and trace with my finger another person's heart chakra standing directly in front of me, their 12 o'clock would be at the top of each of their chakras and with my hand extended I would move my hand to my right and then over to the left as I move upwards.

Is this correct?

Thank you!
With your physical eyes closed spin your chakras as follows:

Or like this:

If some clairvoyant see your chakras spinning, he will see them spinning in front of your body like this:
2 years ago
0 Votes
Thank you very much for the visuals. They are very helpful.
2 years ago
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