By TJ on Wednesday, 03 November 2021
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Hi Instructors,

1) Can you please further explain how the 108 lives relate to the 9 heavens x 12 zodiacal signs? Do we all live a life in each zodiacal sign under the influence of a different heavenly influence? Thus, we would live 9 lives with different heavenly influences in each of the 12 zodiacal signs?

2) How does this relate to the Age of Aquarius? Did we start the first of our 108 human lives in the age of Aquarius and now we are ending those 108 human lives under the influence of the Age of Aquarius?

Thank you kindly,
The current of humanoid existences tends to flow in this way, but other laws and influences can change it. Specifically, the influence of a planet is very subtle, while the influence of lust is very powerful. I recommend you study the most powerful influences on your trajectory, which you will find by studying cause and effect and your psychological condition.
2 years ago
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Thanks for this answer Alexis - We often think we are influenced by this or that other Star Sign when in reality, the zodiacal characteristics, are almost totally obscured by our psychological inherent defects.
2 years ago
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