By TJ on Monday, 06 September 2021
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Hi Instructors,

I have a couple of questions related to the reference "A child is born innocent and pure" - The Great Rebellion

1) What factors affect the potential evolution/devolution of a child during its life? The egos of a past life? Social conditioning? Karma? Other?

For example, twins that are born innocent and pure and one evolves significantly during its life and the other devolves significantly during its life.

2) What happens between lives to ensure a child comes back innocent and pure after its previous life if it devolved significantly and created a lot of egos In that past life? And how does it affect the current life?

Thank you kindly,
1) Our choices. If a child choses to strengthen the ego, he or she loses their spiritual potential more and more. While genotype (karmic inheritance), phenotype (education) and paratype (experiences) are real influences, what determines our trajectory is how we act in response to these factors.

2) The soul experiences the results of its choices. When returning to a new body, the ego cannot manifest until the personality is formed. Since a personality is always necessary, the ego must inevitably return and reincorporate. While the soul experiences some reprieve during the first years of infancy, desire must show itself once again in accordance with karma.
2 years ago
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