By Kei on Tuesday, 04 December 2012
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When we picture Inverted Three of Life, what comes after Inverted Kether? Is there Inverted Ain, Inverted Ain Soph, or Inverted Ain Soph Aur? Could Inverted Kether be "the end" of the "other side"?
There does not exist an inverted Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Aur. However, the opposite of the Absolute are the Klipoth. This is due to the fact that the Absolute is beyond good and evil, above the manifested Tree of Life and its fatal shadow.

Certainly, the Avitchi of the Hindustani is the same abyss. This abyss is also the Klipoth of the Kabbalah. These Klipoth are atomic, tenebrous, and sublunar.

The antithesis of these Klipoth is a super-divine atom that is related with the church of Laodicea, or the lotus of one thousand petals.

We are this super-divine atom, when inwardly arriving to our final synthesis. The name of this atom is the “Ain Soph.”

This Ain Soph is our atomic star. This star shines full with glory within the Abstract Absolute Space.
-Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message: The Woman and the Dragon
11 years ago
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