By Ides on Monday, 19 July 2021
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I do not really know how to effectively have difficult conversations. An instructor from the Distance Learning Course told an anecdote about having or not having difficult conversations, and it has made me realize that I need to talk to some people.

What are some effective ways to sit down with a person and talk about difficult and confrontational but important issues?

I do not even know how to ask this second question: ~How do I ask you instructors questions about how to have difficult conversations with, for example, my mom without talking badly about her, complaining, or offensive and divisive speech? Is it appropriate in this context to mention some of the areas and problems that I think she/we need to work on to you in a post?

If you could let me know about this, I would appreciate it.

Be well!

Persuasion is a much more compelling force than coercion.

Persuasion is of the consciousness, Essence, or soul. Coercion is of the ego.

To discriminate between the Essence and ego requires meditation and intuition. If you are not working to seriously distinguish consciousness from egotistical states, then it is impossible to understand the mind of another.

When we lack understanding of our neighbor, we do not know how to relate to them with conscious love. To discuss difficult topics requires respect and compassion for others, yet we cannot respect or love another if we are invested in our own egotism.
2 years ago
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