By Ides on Friday, 28 May 2021
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Kind Regards Everyone,

Hope you are well.

For several years, yet especially the past few months, it is like I have invisible flees. During the waking hours, I will get regular itches, and sometimes they feel like a bug is biting me, unbearably sometimes, and every once in awhile there is actually a bug. It is almost always not a physical bug. Could these be astral parasites?

There is obviously a psychological component to all of this because I am getting really itchy the more that I focus on it.

In the past few months, my Mom has performed occasional instinctual scratches, just like I do when it feels like something is biting me. We have not talked about it, not for any particular reason though. And that brings something else up.

It was really difficult to start writing this post. There is a strong aversion to fixing the issue. Maybe because this might lead to the needles of acupuncturists which an ego fears. Maybe because I enjoy getting angry. I get really angry about it, relatively.

Interestingly, I had a dream of a black magician telling me in this chair that I spend a lot of time in in our living room that she is going to attack me, which they did. So earlier tonight it dawned on me to put some scissors and black mustard seeds down in here. It was a very interesting experience. Nothing huge parted in the sky exactly, but it is seemingly relevant. Would black magicians/the ego really use something as mundane as itchiness against us?

The biggest problem is that I get increasing itchiness as I fall asleep. Especially the past few days, while practicing astral projection I get demanding itchiness. I will lie in bed for many hours trying to go to sleep, but when I get close to the transition, the itchiness flares. It is maddening. Could my ego be doing everything it can to keep me from working on my self?

Falling asleep consciously already has its roadblocks with these "dark shocks" that we have discussed on here. Maybe now that I am making some progress on that, my vital body is acting up. Itches come from the vital body, right?

Hygiene is great, best it has ever been actually. I recently did a sulfur bath and egg cleanse, practice regular cleansing with Sage, Camphor, Cedar, and change out my clothes and sheets appropriately, etc.

Actually, typing this out, I realize that this itchiness when falling asleep consciously did not start until after doing the sulfur bath. Maybe I did something wrong there. I did not use any bubble bath or anything with the sulfur bath, just sulfur, and I rubbed the sulfur into the skin. Surely it is no big deal. Just thinking out loud.

That is about it. This would be a wonderful reason to push myself to get acupuncture. Isn't that where we work on the vital body?

Until we figure something out, I am just going to take some anti-histamines and pass out. Not to advocate laziness or anything. Just want to show the contrast of what I am at and where we can go with the issue.

Have a great weekend, friends at Glorian!

Hi Adam,

Sometimes the sulfur baths can make the skin dry and become itchy. I have this happen to myself.

I myself have dealt with itchiness when meditating and becoming very silent. I can relate to the disturbance to the Vital Body. Yet all of this is mostly a product of the mind. I found if I ignored the itchiness till it went away, no matter how itchy, then it would stop. Can be difficult at times.

"Sometimes, we sit and have a little twinge, and we want to move our foot, it kicks, and that is because there is this vibrating energy in our vital body. Or, we might have an itch on our face; we don’t have anything itchy, but the second we sit down, we have an itch. What’s that about? And then another itch appears. If you scratch every itch, you are following something that is not going to be helpful for meditation, because, it is just your mind and vital body playing.

Every time you put energy into this game where you have the itch, the twinge, you need to move, and move some more, etc., you just keep feeding energy into the system. It is a skillful type of thing where you become relatively comfortable and you just go inside, withdraw the senses, so when you are skillful at that you just let the body rest. You just stop paying attention to it, and that sounds very difficult at first, but again this is a skill. You can learn how to do this, and you don't need me to tell you that. If you practice meditation, you are going to experience this phenomenon of the body keep coming up with reasons not to meditate. It is visceral. It is in our body; we have this agitated energy and the more we live mindfully, the more we transform the impression, and live with serenity, the less we agitate the vital body. In that way and we are able to get to relaxation much quicker."
Beginning Meditation - Theory and Practice
2 years ago
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Thank you, Igneous. The ego, or mine at least, makes a game out of everything, and this is a great chance to develop some seriousness, especially when motivated by achieving relaxation.

It is getting better the more that I have dealt with it, so we already have some hope going there. Bests!
2 years ago
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