By Judas Iscariot 13 on Wednesday, 19 May 2021
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I read: Hazrat Zahra said that God provided the daily prayers to keep us pure from pride.
And indeed, this is observable.

What are the daily prayers (namaz)? What do they do? Why are they effective against pride? How should one pray namaz?

Thank you.
Salaat are ritual prayers within the exoteric Muslim tradition that are performed five times a day. They are meant to aid the disciple in the practice of divine self-remembrance.

Ibn 'Arabi explained their esoteric significance within his Futuhat al-Makkayah: The Meccan Revelations. If you are looking for a deeper understanding of the canonical prayers, you can study his book On the Mysteries of Purification and Formal Prayer.

However, bear in mind that these prayers are for beginners, since even Prophet Muhammad declared:
An hour of contemplation (mushahadah, meditation) is better than a year of prayer. -Suyuti, Jamiu’s-Saghir, 2/127; Ajluni, I/310)
You can follow any practices you want. Canonical prayers are a beautiful tradition, but are simple food, milk, for babes. If you long for greater expediency, then meditation is the way.
2 years ago
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