By Emmanuel on Sunday, 16 May 2021
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Genesis 1:2

"The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. (And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters).

My explanation: CORRECT ME

"The earth meaning "physical body" was formless and empty "meaning not entered initiation" and darkness "meaning the state of our Consciousness" covered the deep waters "?. And the spirit of God "meaning the sexual fire/fohat in the testicals or vagina" was hovering over the waters "the waters would mean semen in the ovaries or testicles, is this correct, dear instructors
- Inverential Peace to all Gnostic brethrens of the world
There are many resources about the verse "the earth was formless and void." See the following for just a few explanations and references:
2 years ago
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