By 1withEverything on Monday, 08 February 2021
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It seems from the Bhagavad Gita chapter 16 that our [demonic] tendencies are carried into [mechanical] rebirth...

When comprehending one's own Pride, for example, is it possible that the CONDITIONS change from incarnation to incarnation?

For example, in my current existence I have concluded that aspects of my Pride (Particularly an over-Intellectualized capacity) possibly stemmed from early childhood learning disabilities and subsequent ridicule/trauma/etc) as well as living in poverty and in a fanatical white evangelical upbringing....

What if I was wealthy and financially advantageous in [a] previous life and my pride stemmed from THAT?

Do I have to work out all my previous lives/egos to reach the final liberation?
Due to identification, we fatten our egos from life to life, thereby making our mind, situations, and karma even more complicated, convoluted, and painful.

When you observe an ego and understand it as something separate from your consciousness, you begin to dissolve it because you are no longer feeding it. However, complete death only occurs when we remove all distractions, sensory data, emotional attachments and aversions, mental obscurations, and conflicting wills, i.e. achieving comprehension through meditation.

No one can tell you where, how, in what ways your pride originated and manifests. That is part of the book of your life whose language only you and your Divine Mother can interpret.

To be completely free, you must not only annihilate all the ego, but resurrect at the end of the Second Mountain and ascend through the Third Mountain. The death of the ego is major, but it is not the end of the path.
3 years ago
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Does the monad forever remember what it learns in meditation? I've been waking myself up out of my meditative states frequently to take note of all the insights I've been receiving but, I'm seeing how this would interfere with my longer meditation sessions.
3 years ago
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Experiences within the consciousness are never lost, although we may forget when we fall into conditioning.

Allow your meditations to deepen on their own. A ripe fruit falls from the tree. Only later should you analyze, recall, and remember the taste of the apple by documenting in your spiritual diary.
3 years ago
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Experiences within the consciousness are never lost, although we may forget when we fall into conditioning.

Allow your meditations to deepen on their own. A ripe fruit falls from the tree. Only later should you analyze, recall, and remember the taste of the apple by documenting in your spiritual diary.

Wonderful, thanks for clarifying!
3 years ago
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