By Ides on Wednesday, 20 January 2021
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Hope you all are well. This is an unusual post, a first of a kind for me, because I am reaching out within a few hours of starting to indulge in a bad habit. I have just started a T.V. show (Game of Thrones) bender and am wondering how to stop it, to catch it before it gets out of control.

I am in bad health and do not feel like doing the noble thing by working steadily in my spiritual practice today, which I foresee spilling out into several days of watching my ego's favorite television show, and the television show is definitely not a good impression to take in. How do I stop and make myself work spiritually?

Or maybe the right question to ask should be more about how do I take some time off healthily.

I use the fact that I am so sick and weak and feel so badly to "justify" this unhealthy leisure, but I do not know how to stop it. I don't really want to be watching the show, so I am praying to God to show me what to do to get out of it. This post is the best I have got at the moment.

If you could provide some guidance on this issue, I would appreciate it. I can surely speak for many when I say that we are very grateful for your help and sacrifices. Wishing you all many blessings.

Everything is a choice. Obviously those choices we make with greater intentionality or consciousness produce greater consequences, i.e. knowing the act is wrong while continuing to do so results in greater suffering.

Rather than approach this situation as “how do I remove a bad habit?”—you should consider, “what activities can I implement to develop my spirituality?” By engaging in more spiritual practices, you leave no time or room for superfluous, harmful, or useless activities.

Meditate on those egos that crave such impressions. By praying for elimination via comprehension, you free yourself of such attachments.

Try implementing a spiritual retreat, as one lecturer offered in the following lecture:
3 years ago
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Thank you, Almustafa.

Kind Regards,
3 years ago
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Hello Everyone,

For what it is worth, I have been on my spiritual retreat for three hours and I am, in a sense, having one of the best times of my life. Never been on a retreat before.

Anyway, that just seems important to share. I may need to keep you all occasionally posted in order to stay motivated and inspired, but no response is necessary, always welcome though. Not to be facetious but this sort of gets the message across:

Be Well,
3 years ago
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