By Alphonse on Wednesday, 05 August 2020
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To preface, I asked a question regarding Islam some time ago, questioning Islam's esoteric standing. But this time, I really don't know how to reconcile Muhammad's racist remarks with esoteric wisdom. I do understand that criticisms of prophetic figures exist across all religious traditions, most of the time due to ignorance and a lack of receptivity to symbolism. But is it fair to just claim there's a 'hidden meaning' behind everything the prophet of islam says? Racism isn't the only case to be made against the prophet of Islam, I may add

For example... Narrated Anas bin Malik:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin."

Ishaq:243 “I heard the Apostle say: ‘Whoever wants to see Satan should look at Nabtal!’ He was a black man with long flowing hair, inflamed eyes, and dark ruddy cheeks….

There are many more quotes alluding to racism too.

In comparison, such criticism is not attributed to jesus, or to any other prophet. Why Muhammad?
"Suprasexuality is the result of sexual transmutation. Christ, Buddha, Dante, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, and many other great masters were suprasexual." -Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
Unfortunately, there are many hadith taken as truth when they are not. Such is the black lodge...

It's unfortunate that the teachings of Islam have degenerated terribly. Prophet Muhammad, because he was given authority to defend himself physically against the Quraysh, provoked a severe back lash from the black magicians of Arabia. They have done a very good job of confusing people, to the point that humanity is unable to discern who the Prophet was and what idols the infidels have made him.

It's understandable that one would feel aversion towards this tradition. Yet in Gnosis, rather than seeking to edify or denigrate the founders of diverse religions, we seek to investigate these matters with the consciousness.

The reality is that no hadith are really fool proof, because they are the testimonies of people who heard from others who heard someone else that listened to the Prophet. You know what happens with a game of telephone, right? To state that the hadith are absolutely pure is incongruent, since even Al-Bukhari, whom many attest is one of the most accurate hadith scholars, struggled to maintain and identify what he thought were accurate hadith from inaccurate ones.

I suggest that if this is a serious point of contention for you, that you learn to enter the akashic records and see the life of the Prophet for yourself. The truth is that no one knows the lives of the initiates like Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad, etc. Historians are typically wrong about many things, whereas your own consciousness within the luminous astral light can interpret these matters with great clarity and depth.
3 years ago
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I agree. To some degree, I always knew such great figures are always subject to slander. Somewhere in the middle east are people slandering foreign prophets, the reasons they give are still compelling. But ultimately, it must be a projection of ego. The saga of Prophet Muhammad was played out 14 centuries ago, of course there has to be manipulation of his teachings. Thank you for the clarification Mustafa!
3 years ago
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"Suprasexuality is the result of sexual transmutation. Christ, Buddha, Dante, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, and many other great masters were suprasexual." -Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
Unfortunately, there are many hadith taken as truth when they are not. Such is the black lodge...

It's unfortunate that the teachings of Islam have degenerated terribly. Prophet Muhammad, because he was given authority to defend himself physically against the Quraysh, provoked a severe back lash from the black magicians of Arabia. They have done a very good job of confusing people, to the point that humanity is unable to discern who the Prophet was and what idols the infidels have made him.

It's understandable that one would feel aversion towards this tradition. Yet in Gnosis, rather than seeking to edify or denigrate the founders of diverse religions, we seek to investigate these matters with the consciousness.

The reality is that no hadith are really fool proof, because they are the testimonies of people who heard from others who heard someone else that listened to the Prophet. You know what happens with a game of telephone, right? To state that the hadith are absolutely pure is incongruent, since even Al-Bukhari, whom many attest is one of the most accurate hadith scholars, struggled to maintain and identify what he thought were accurate hadith from inaccurate ones.

I suggest that if this is a serious point of contention for you, that you learn to enter the akashic records and see the life of the Prophet for yourself. The truth is that no one knows the lives of the initiates like Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad, etc. Historians are typically wrong about many things, whereas your own consciousness within the luminous astral light can interpret these matters with great clarity and depth.

actually... no. I still feel as though your answers weren't satisfactory and it slightly saddens me to say that because I can see your willingness to help us and teach us... even so, there are some pressing issues here....

Even if one were to believe that hadiths are untrue and full of lies, how can you explain the numerous evil verses in the Quran? You yourself dear instructor are fond of the quran, I know this. So how do you explain Surah An-Nisa verse 24? Here Allah says that muslim men are allowed to have sex with their spouses AND their female prisoners of war (even if they are married) I don't think I need to elaborate on how vile that is.
Quran 98:6 = Jews+Christians and polytheists are the worst of creatures. Couple this with hadiths such as Sahih Muslim 1767a and one can have no doubt that the Quran and Hadiths are both evil in equal measure. (You specifically have once told me that the hadiths are not entirely trustworthy but it seems that the Quran is not so different from the Hadiths)
quran 4:157 Jesus never got crucified so islam is now in clear conflict with christianity. how can gnostics hold that these two traditions are from God. Is God bipolar now? Or is one of these traditions false...
Qur'an 4:3 Men can marry multiple women. Up to four. Couple this with hadiths that show Muhammad to have multiple wives and what can we see? That this is not a religion that preaches monogamy like this gnostic tradition here does.
Qur'an 9:29 How can you defend this? Muslims are to take tax from their non muslim subjects if they refuse to convert.

ALSO, in a gnostic documentary there was a claim that the bible has been corrupted and edited but SO has the quran... there are multiple qira'at and editions of the quran with textual variations etc and the quran has so many verses BACKED UP by hadith that indicate evil. I'm talking about mohammeds questionable livelihood, stealing from jews and exiling them from their lands, having s4x slaves, marrying his adopted sons wife etc etc. I don't understand.....

how is Islam a religion from God? how is it consistent with christianity?? i do not understand any of this.....

Help me out with clear answers please I'd appreciate that very much
10 months ago
0 Votes
"Suprasexuality is the result of sexual transmutation. Christ, Buddha, Dante, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, and many other great masters were suprasexual." -Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
Unfortunately, there are many hadith taken as truth when they are not. Such is the black lodge...

It's unfortunate that the teachings of Islam have degenerated terribly. Prophet Muhammad, because he was given authority to defend himself physically against the Quraysh, provoked a severe back lash from the black magicians of Arabia. They have done a very good job of confusing people, to the point that humanity is unable to discern who the Prophet was and what idols the infidels have made him.

It's understandable that one would feel aversion towards this tradition. Yet in Gnosis, rather than seeking to edify or denigrate the founders of diverse religions, we seek to investigate these matters with the consciousness.

The reality is that no hadith are really fool proof, because they are the testimonies of people who heard from others who heard someone else that listened to the Prophet. You know what happens with a game of telephone, right? To state that the hadith are absolutely pure is incongruent, since even Al-Bukhari, whom many attest is one of the most accurate hadith scholars, struggled to maintain and identify what he thought were accurate hadith from inaccurate ones.

I suggest that if this is a serious point of contention for you, that you learn to enter the akashic records and see the life of the Prophet for yourself. The truth is that no one knows the lives of the initiates like Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad, etc. Historians are typically wrong about many things, whereas your own consciousness within the luminous astral light can interpret these matters with great clarity and depth.

sorry if it seems like im attacking or hating you. i am just confused and i doubt this tradition unfortunately. please help me out by clearly tackling the few discrepancies/issues ive laid out
10 months ago
0 Votes
"Suprasexuality is the result of sexual transmutation. Christ, Buddha, Dante, Zoroaster, Mohammed, Hermes, Quetzalcoatl, and many other great masters were suprasexual." -Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
Unfortunately, there are many hadith taken as truth when they are not. Such is the black lodge...

It's unfortunate that the teachings of Islam have degenerated terribly. Prophet Muhammad, because he was given authority to defend himself physically against the Quraysh, provoked a severe back lash from the black magicians of Arabia. They have done a very good job of confusing people, to the point that humanity is unable to discern who the Prophet was and what idols the infidels have made him.

It's understandable that one would feel aversion towards this tradition. Yet in Gnosis, rather than seeking to edify or denigrate the founders of diverse religions, we seek to investigate these matters with the consciousness.

The reality is that no hadith are really fool proof, because they are the testimonies of people who heard from others who heard someone else that listened to the Prophet. You know what happens with a game of telephone, right? To state that the hadith are absolutely pure is incongruent, since even Al-Bukhari, whom many attest is one of the most accurate hadith scholars, struggled to maintain and identify what he thought were accurate hadith from inaccurate ones.

I suggest that if this is a serious point of contention for you, that you learn to enter the akashic records and see the life of the Prophet for yourself. The truth is that no one knows the lives of the initiates like Jesus, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad, etc. Historians are typically wrong about many things, whereas your own consciousness within the luminous astral light can interpret these matters with great clarity and depth.

dear instructor, if I were capable of visiting a supernatural plane to see mohammed life for myself I would've done it. you are more advanced than me though, so are you able to confirm for us that Mohammed for example, did not have sexual relations with a 9 year old child? Are you able to say for certain that Mohammed did not kill the family of his wife Safiya bint huyaiy? Are you able to say for certain that Mohammed did not kill innocents? Are you able to say for certain that the Quran is unedited, unchanged since the time of Uthman the companion of muhammad who compiled the qurans? (s) is included because he had to burn multiple copies.

Are you able to say for certain that the numerous hadiths indicating mohammeds sexual immorality are ALL false? even those held to be authentic by mainstream muslims?
10 months ago
0 Votes
actually... no. I still feel as though your answers weren't satisfactory and it slightly saddens me to say that because I can see your willingness to help us and teach us... even so, there are some pressing issues here....

Even if one were to believe that hadiths are untrue and full of lies, how can you explain the numerous evil verses in the Quran? You yourself dear instructor are fond of the quran, I know this. So how do you explain Surah An-Nisa verse 24? Here Allah says that muslim men are allowed to have sex with their spouses AND their female prisoners of war (even if they are married) I don't think I need to elaborate on how vile that is.
Quran 98:6 = Jews+Christians and polytheists are the worst of creatures. Couple this with hadiths such as Sahih Muslim 1767a and one can have no doubt that the Quran and Hadiths are both evil in equal measure. (You specifically have once told me that the hadiths are not entirely trustworthy but it seems that the Quran is not so different from the Hadiths)
quran 4:157 Jesus never got crucified so islam is now in clear conflict with christianity. how can gnostics hold that these two traditions are from God. Is God bipolar now? Or is one of these traditions false...
Qur'an 4:3 Men can marry multiple women. Up to four. Couple this with hadiths that show Muhammad to have multiple wives and what can we see? That this is not a religion that preaches monogamy like this gnostic tradition here does.
Qur'an 9:29 How can you defend this? Muslims are to take tax from their non muslim subjects if they refuse to convert.

ALSO, in a gnostic documentary there was a claim that the bible has been corrupted and edited but SO has the quran... there are multiple qira'at and editions of the quran with textual variations etc and the quran has so many verses BACKED UP by hadith that indicate evil. I'm talking about mohammeds questionable livelihood, stealing from jews and exiling them from their lands, having s4x slaves, marrying his adopted sons wife etc etc. I don't understand.....

how is Islam a religion from God? how is it consistent with christianity?? i do not understand any of this.....

Help me out with clear answers please I'd appreciate that very much

As we know from the teaching of Samael Aun Weor, there is an entire chapter of the Bible that was adulterated and is complete black magic.

Chapter 29 of Exodus is pure and legitimate black magic. In that chapter, unjustly attributed to Moses, the ritualistic ceremony of cattle sacrifice is minutely described. —Samael Aun Weor

Would you throw away the entire Bible, and the Jewish/Christian traditions, just because some of that teaching was adulterated by black magicians? Would you denounce Moses as a false prophet due to this?

Prophet Muhammad was an authentic master, and so it is clear that he followed the ethical guidance of his Innermost. Rather than spend so much time and energy investigating his actions and the accounts of his life, it would be wise for us to investigate our own actions and lives. If you do not find the teaching to be helpful for you, then you can always rely on the guidance of your Innermost through your own conscience. Do not let the mind guide you astray. Time is short.
10 months ago
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