By Judas Iscariot 13 on Sunday, 02 August 2020
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Say, a soul had devolved into hell where it's egos have been disintegrated.

It then began its upward journey towards human life.

What is the nature of the man in whom the soul incorporates in its very first human life?

Since the past egos have been destroyed, the law of recurrence has been nullified.

Is he a man without egos?
With 100% free consciousness?

Even if he unknowingly begins to form new egos by the mistake of fornication, isn't he "purer" than the rest of our perverse lot?

Thank you.
Since humanity still has animal, collective mind and has not yet developed individual mind, souls move in "waves" or "herds" over millennia.

When a wave is emerging out of the lower kingdoms into the humanoid kingdom, such souls are innocent, pure. They have animal mind, collective, instinctive mind, which they must learn to control, and they are then taught the doctrine to create individuality: human mind, and later, individual will. They are innocent elementals, simple, foolish. One cannot say they are "100% free" since they are animals with instinctive mind. They are not free, do not have individual mind, nor do they have individual will.

Tens of thousands of years ago, in the beginning of this era (the most recent time a wave of animal souls emerged into the humanoid kingdom), because of the karma of this planet, those innocent souls faced temptation but few could resist continuing with animal behavior, thus the process of degeneration accelerated rapidly, leading to the planet-wide scene we see today.

The situation on this planet is unusual, which is why other humanities are studying it closely.
3 years ago
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